chapter 5

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hello I am here with the time skips hahaha

Hitoshi, age: 5

Izuku, age: 2

One of Aizawa's favorite things to do was sleep, he didn't get to do that much so when he could he cherished it. Aizawa slept next to his husband wearing earplugs to drown out his husband's loud snoring. That was until he felt a weight on his chest, he groaned opening his eyes to see Izuku bouncing on his chest.

" Daddy!" Izuku says happily, he was wearing AllMight pajamas Yamada had gotten him for his birthday, the two-year-old had too much energy for this early in the morning.

" Izuku why aren't you asleep?" Aizawa asks.

" Nii-chan won't play with me and papa said we go to the park," Izuku says.

" Izuku it's..." Aizawa looked over at the clock then back at the toddler "five in the morning we can go later" Aizawa says grumpily, Izuku stopped bouncing up and down and slid off the bed and onto the floor.

" Ok," he says before Aizawa heard the sound of feet leaving the room.

Izuku crept back to his and Hitoshi's room and went beside his bead.

" nii-chan," Izuku says shaking his brother, Hitoshi just rolled over and put his pillow over his head. " nii-chan you said we could play" he wined, Hitoshi looked izuku strait in the eye.

" Izuku go back to bed," he says.

" but" Izuku protested, Hitoshi sighed grabbing Izuku's arm and pulling him in bed.

" no butts I'm the older brother so you have to do what I say," Hitoshi says closing his eyes again. Izuku smiled and nodded snuggling into Hitoshi.

" ok nii-chan," he says, Hitoshi closed his eyes and like that he was asleep again. It wasn't till a couple of hours later the children were woken up again by Yamada blasting there morning music which used to be hardcore rock but then changed to nursery rhymes because of children. Hitoshi grumbled something and tried to get up but Izuku was hugging onto him for dear life.

" hay Izuku it's AllMight," Hitoshi says making the two-year-old get up and look around when he realized there was no AllMight and his brother had just lied to him he frowned.

" Nii-chan that's the second time this week," he says, Hitoshi laughed a little,

" well you just have to stop falling for it," he says patting his brother on the head and getting up to get dressed. Izuku being the younger one liked to copy his older brother so he got up and tried to put on his own clothes, his papa would usually come in to help him but Izuku thought if Hitoshi could do it so could he. Izuku ended up with his shoes on the wrong feet and his shirt on backward not to mention. when Yamada came into the room and saw the state Izuku was in he snapped a picture.

" Izuku what did you do," Yamada asks going over to help Izuku. Izuku smiled widely.

" I did it, papa, I'm a big boy now!" Izuku says.

" sure you are," Yamada says, when Izuku was fixed he picked up the boy and brought him to the table where Hitoshi was drinking coffee provided by Aizawa.

" Shouta coffee is going to stunt his growth," Yamada says. Aizawa shrugs.

"it's his life," he says, Yamada stuck out his tongue and handed Izuku some juice.

" park!" Izuku says getting inpatient.

" yah ill take you after breakfast," Yamada says


Yamada had asked if the two others had wanted to come but Aizawa wanted to sleep and Hitoshi wanted to play with the cat so Yamada went with Izuku.

" Ok Izuku what are the rules before I let you go," Yamada says holding Izuku in front of him, the child was kicking his legs wanting to be let down to play.

" don't talk with strangers, don't bight other kids and stay where you can see me," Izuku says, Yamada nodded letting Izuku go were he instantly ran off to find another kid to play with. Izuku started playing with a toy truck he found on the floor but then he noticed another little boy just sitting in the sandbox, Izuku being the social little kid he was run over to the boy. " hello!" Izuku says coming to a stop next to the little boy. The boy looked up at Izuku then he glanced at someone Izuku thought was his mom then back at Izuku.

" hi," he said quietly.

" I like your eyes, Oh my name is Izuku Midorya nice to meet you," he says putting his hand in front of the boy that looked like a candy cane.

" my name is Todoroki shoto," the boy says not grabbing the boy's hand to shake. Izuku eventually got that the boy didn't want to shake his hand and put it down.

" Todoroki want to dig a big hole?" Izuku asks grabbing a shovel he found, Todoroki thought for a second before nodding and he started digging with Izuku. Yamada saw Izuku playing he was sitting next to a woman with wight hair.

" is that your son?" Yamada asks. the woman nods.

" shoto doesn't get along with many kids," the woman says, Yamada nods

" that's like my other son Hitoshi, but he gets along, the name is Yamada by the way," Yamada says

" Rei," the woman says. they were interrupted when Izuku waled over to them holding Todoroki's hand.

" Papa can Todoroki come play another time," izuku says

" I guess it's up to his mother," Yamada says

" shoto needs friends," rei says " so we could work something out," she says. Yamada then got a text from Aizawa that they had found more cats and he panicked.

" izu daddy got more cat's we have to go," Yamada says scooping up Izuku but not before setting up a time with rei about the two seeing each other again and running off to fix the cat problem.


" Shota we talked about this!" Yamada yells trying to pull the cat away from his husband.

" But they need us!"

" NO!"

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