chapter 9

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It had been two months since Izuku had first brought up this 'kacchan'. Honestly, the three thought his new friend was an imaginary one. Izuku would always tell them his whole day when he got home and he never mentioned any other kid but kacchan.

"kacchan 은 너무 멋지다, 오늘 우리는 영웅의 연주( kacchan is so cool, today we played hero's!" Izuku says, Hitoshi looked at his brother.

" in a langwige i can understand"

"kacchan est tellement cool, aujourd'hui nous avons joué le héros (kacchan is so cool, today we played hero's) Izuku says again

" izu thats French why are you like this" Hitoshi sighed,

" каччан так классно, сегодня мы играли в героя" Izuku tries one more time.

" Russian" Yamada cuts in picking Izuku up, " I honestly don't know why he talks like this, I think he likes messing with us" he admits. Izuku giggles and nods his head.

" I said kacchan is really cool and we played hero's today" Izuku translated, " you need to work on language nii-chan," Izuku says looking at his brother playfully.

" So Izuku you talk about kacchan a lot but why have we never met him?" Yamada questioned, Izuku thought about it for a couple of seconds.

" because you haven't asked," he says.

" your too cute for questioning," Yamada says putting the boy down, izuku hugged his dad's leg and ran off.


" I'm worried about Izuku," Yamada says laying in his and Aizawa's bed, Aizawa was drying his hair with a towel, he looked over at his husband tiredly.

" what is it this time?" Aizawa asks, " do you think he got into an underground gambling ring or did he learn Santa isn't real?" Aizawa says.

" ok first of all Santa is real and second no, he is talking about kacchan again, I don't think he has any real friends so he made one up," Yamada says, Aizawa went to sit in his bed and lied down.

" just go to sleep," Aizawa says " I'm sure the kid has friends," Aizawa says.

" your right Aizawa ill just spy on Izuku while he's at school and see who he talks to, this is why I love you," Yamada says

" wait that's not-"

" Night!" Yamada says turning on his side and he started snoring. Aizawa rolled his eyes, this wasn't going to end well.


" Ok, Izuku have a good day at school," Yamada says, Izuku grabbed his AllMight backpack and turned to his dad.

" Bye, papa bey Nii-chan!" Izuku says waving and walking into his classroom.

" why do I have to be here?" Hitoshi asks as he sat in the back of the car with his arms crossed, his papa has dragged him into the car in his pajamas, Izuku was too energetic for that early in the morning and there was traffic and now he Izuku had left and they had driven into a parking lot.

" because we are going to find out who this kacchan is," Yamada says smiling, Hitoshi groaned, "oh don't be like that we can have some bonding time just us two men, hanging out!"

" Why couldn't I have brought my shoes then," Hitoshi says. " how are we even going to meet kacchan if we are in the car and he's in his classroom?" Hitoshi asks.

" baby camera"

" you didn't," Hitoshi says.

" yep I strapped it onto izuku this morning"

" he's four he's probably going to break it," Hitoshi says, Yamada ignored his son and turned on his phone going to the screening app and turned it on.


Izuku walked into his classroom happily, he saw his teacher and waved at her before he went to one of the small tables that had some coloring supplies on it. Izuku started drawing, he thought he was good at it he had just discovered putting the sun with a happy face in the corner of his drawing.

" Hay Deku!" One kid said walking up to Izuku, he looked up at the boy a squeaked. " coloring is for babies!" the kid says grabbing the crayon from Izukus hand and breaking it.

"그 사용을 중지합니다 (stop I was using that!)" Izuku says, the kids just looked at him confused before laughing at him.

" he can't even speak Japanese!" a girl laughed, Izuku closed his eyes and was sniffling when he heard a popping sound, he opened his eyes and saw kacchan making small sparks coming from his hand.

" get away from Deku!" bakugou yells, the kids back away not wanting to make the boy angry they all apologize and run off to do something else.

" kacchan!" izuku says happily.

" tch, why are you so useless Deku," Bakugou says rolling his eyes " whatever let's just go play with the hero toys before the extras start playing with them," Bakugou says grabbing Izuku by the arm and dragging him over to where the toys where.


" so kacchan is real huh," Hitoshi says

" that's what you're worried about?" Yamada says loudly

" I'm calling dad," Hitoshi says

" with what phone?"

" hay look its a dog on a skateboard," Hitoshi says getting his papa to look the other direction and allowing him to steal the phone out of the others hands " this phone," he says.

" no don't call him, I'll drive ok!"

" works every time," Hitoshi says as Yamada starts the car and drives off.


At dinner that night Aizawa was looking extra tired

" Izuku you aren't going to school tomorrow, we are going to a quirk specialist," Aizawa says.

" whats a quirk specil?" Izuku asks his mouth full of fried rice, Yamada looked at Izuku.

" Izu don't eat with your mouth full," Yamada says, Izuku nodded and swallowed his food.

" Sorry papa," he says,

" A quirk specialist is where you go to find out if you're getting one or not, only 20% of the population doesn't have one so your probably just a late bloomer," Hitoshi says

" How did you know so much about that?" Aizawa asks.

" I had papa's phone and I was bord," Hitoshi says shrugging.

" I want a cool quirk like nii-chan and papa and daddy!" Izuku says happily.

" your mom's quirk had something to do with levitation and dad's is breathing fire so maybe its a fire quirk," Hitoshi says.

" no like AllMight!" Izuku says

" but All might doesn't have a fire quirk," Yamada says.

" but all might is cool!"

" Ok you guys are giving me a headake," Aizawa says. the two Ignored him and they started talking about different quirks. Aizawa sighed and slammed his head against the table.


" he's quirkless

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