chapter - 7

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hahaha izuku is almost four now and Hitoshi is almost six

ok sorry, it took so long to Update! I have some writer's block so if there are any ideas I would be happy to include them and I will give you a shout out at the beginning of the chapter! Also, I don't speak Korean and if the translations are weird blame google translate, also the ideas for the Korean part came from some of the comments so thank you @Ircore3, @Blasty-Bakugo, and @Magical_Gay_weeb

Izuku was looking at a picture book with words that helped with the alphabet, Hitoshi sat with him looking over his brother's shoulder, Izuku was struggling with the words and would just look at the pictures. Izuku was going to be in daycare soon and it was a requirement that the kids needed to know how to read. Izuku just wasn't getting it.

" Come on Izuku, I know you can do it" Hitoshi encouraged, Izuku looked at the book like he was focusing really hard then he scrunched up his brow and put the book on his head laughing and clapping his hands together.

" Nii-chan look!" Izuku says, Hitoshi smiled a and took the book off izuku's head and ruffled the green boy's hair, Yamada was making lunch and the two where hungry, he had promised them dinosaur chicken nuggets. That's when they heard the doorbell ring, Aizawa peeked his head out of the kitchen where he was grading tests and sighed, Izuku was too short to reach the door and Hitoshi had a thing about doors so he got up and walked over to the door, Aizawa opened it then closed it quickly.

" who was it?" Yamada calls.

" No one," Aizawa says, Yamada wasn't buying it and went to the door pushing past his husband and opening the door, there was a lady with brown hair and a clipboard.

" Is this the Aizawa, Yamada residence?" she asks.

" yep, what can we do for you?" Yamada asks.

" I'm here because your adopted Children"

" I promise we don't beat them!" Yamada says, " Hitoshi just likes jumping off the swing sets at school so he gets bruises.

"It's not-"

" And they have all their shots"

" sir-"


" SIR" she yells, Yamada stops talking and Aizawa just sighs at his loud husband, " the children's father wants to see them and he allowed to see his children," The woman says.

" dad?" Hitoshi says, Izuku never really knew there birth parents, one Hitoshi's mother died when he was younger and Izukus mom....they don't know but their father and stepmother were horrible.

"I have another daddy?" Izuku asks

" No-"

" yes you do sweetie and its the law that you get to see him once a week," the lady says.

" that guy is horrible"

" but the government doesn't care, the father will be here tomorrow at three, he will return the children at six," She says " as they get older they can choose to see him or not" she adds before bowing and closing the door. Yamada and Aizawa just look at each other not knowing what to say.


The next day Izuku was excited to meet his other dad, Hitoshi was the opposite and was hoping to never see that man again. Izuku sat in his room with a small backpack, he was going to bring toys and a coloring book and his favorite crayons so they would have a good time. The doorbell rang and Izuku slung the bag over his shoulder and sprinted to the door dragging a small stool with him and standing on it so he could reach the door.

Izuku opened the door and looked up, he scrunched his nose the man smelled like alcohol and smoke. " Hi, daddy?" Izuku says, the man just looks down at him and blows smoke in his face. Izuku coughs and Hitoshi walks up to the door and pulls Izuku away.

" so where are your adoptive parents?" The man asks.'

" Daddy is tied up in the closet because papa didn't want him to spy on you," Izuku says happily still coughing, they had recently found out izuku had asthma and Izuku didn't like the inhaler so they put all might stickers on it and now he carried it everywhere. Hitoshi reached into Izukus bag and pulled the inhaler out giving it to Izuku who used it.

" tch you have two dads, who the government trusts these days are crazy, come on," He says turning, Izuku skipped behind the man and Hitoshi hesitantly followed.


when they got back it was around 8:30 witch was late and they were supposed to be home earlier than that. they opened the door and honestly looked exhausted. " Where where you two?" Aizawa asks, he was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and Yamada was now tied up with ducktape because Aizawa was mad about earlier.

" We went to a basement that had cards, they where gambling," Hitoshi says, " Izuku had an asthma attack three different times because of all the smoke and we asked to go outside but he said no," Hitoshi says. Aizawa gripped the couch, he was angry but he didn't want to scare his kids.

" Did he do anything else?" Aizawa asks calmly but Hitoshi could tell his words were laced with venom. Izuku nodded

" Nii-chan got pushed and another guy broke my All might toy," Izuku says sadly "배고프면서 내가 먹은 것은 모두가 ts 고 그들은 물이 젖었다 ( and I'm hungry all I ate was pretzels and they had yucky water)"

" alcohol" Hitoshi corrects. " and has been doing this all night"

" at least we know our son won't be an alcoholic," Yamada says trying to lift the mood but he was angry too. " and the Korean thing might be my fault I was watching a Korean drama and Izuku watched with me, apparently he picks up language very quickly.

" I'm getting a restraining order," Aizawa says getting up and walking out the door.

" hay Izuku, Hitoshi can you untie papa?" Yamada asks

" 아니 (No)!" izuku giggled running his room Yamada then turned to Hitoshi with a hopeful look, Hitoshi just smirked and walked to the door.

" Guys?" Yamada says " No guys help!" Yamada says before rolling onto the floor " Ill give you ice cream"

" What kind of ice cream?" Hitoshi says

" cream flavored ice cream"

" 아니 ( lies)!" Izuku yells the two leave him on the floor with the cats.

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