chapter 12

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Izuku:11Hitoshi: 14

Izuku sat at his desk writing in his analysis book for the future instead of paying attention like a good boy, for his birthday Hitoshi had gotten him the book because he was tired of Izuku always using his paper and book to do his analyzing stuff.

" Midorya you seem to be thinking very hard about the question so what's the answer?" the teacher asks."모두 ... 죄송합니다" ( All Might...sorry) Izuku blurts out, his face was burning with embarrassment, the class started laughing at him and he put his head down on his desk." Midorya pay attention, and speak Japanese or we are going to have to talk after class," the teacher says, Izuku nods and the teacher clears his throat. " anyway next week your parents are going to be presenting to the class about there job, tell them and be nice not everyone's parents can have amazing jobs...some might have the misfortune of being a teacher you are dismissed," The teacher says, Izuku starts collecting his things to go home when the teacher called him over.The class was empty and Izuku stood in front of his teacher's desk looking at his bright red shoes." Look Midorya, I know you're having a tough time with the kids, but your little outbursts are not helping," he says " shape up Izuku," the teacher says. " yes sir," Izuku says walking out of the room, Bakugou was leaning against the door waiting for him, " Oh hi kacchan" Izuku says with a small smile." The teachers an asshole," Bakugou says, Bakugou was Izuku only friend at school he was the only one who wasn't meaner to him after he found out he was quirkless. He was nice to izuku in his own way. Izuku had lost touch with Todoroki because of his dad or something." Um, kacchan wanna come over to my house and watch that new hero fight that was recorded yesterday?" Izuku asks." why not I have nothing better to do anyway," he says, Izuku smiles and they start to walk to his house when they get there bakugou immediately collapses on the couch and Izuku sits on the floor, he turned on the TV. Bakugou had started coming over after school more frequently because Hitoshi started coming home later. that year Hitoshi had started Highschool at UA and since his parents worked there they got home about the same time." AllMight is the coolest," Izuku says in awe as he watched the TV, Bakugou rolled his eyes at the fanboy. " did you tell your parents about the school thing" bakugou asks "no....if I ask them Yamada would just show them baby pictures and Aizawa would just sleep there probably bussy anyway," Izuku says, Bakugou gust made a grumbling sound when they both heard the door open." hay Izuku I'm home" Hitoshi called, bakugou made a growing noise, Hitoshi and bakugou had a thing against each other, Hitoshi thought the blond was a bad influence for his brother and Bakugou just thought Hitoshi was stupid. " bakugou," he says " control freak," bakugou says, they both glare at each other, Izuku sighs and looks at both of them." don't fight you two" izuku says " I'll tell dad I saw you smoking and Ill call your mom kacchan," he says threatening them." Like they would believe you," Hitoshi says" Oh but I'm their little angle I got dad and papa wrapped around my finger toshi so be a good boy and stop fighting because you're distracting me from my AllMight time," Izuku says, bakugou and Hitoshi look at each other but don't start fighting again." damn Denku your evil" bakugou says" Kacchan cussing is bad!" Izuku whined" well then why does it feel so right," bakugou says with a smirk. The three hear the door open again and in walked Hitoshi and Aizawa, Yamada saw them and shook his head. " katsuki why are you here again," Aizawa asks, " this is the third time this week and its Tuesday," he says. "do your parents not feed you or something"" eh I like it hear plus Deku said he would buy me spicy ramen"" I did?" Izuku asks" yep"" ok!" he says now sitting with his legs crossed." bakugou home now I don't want your mom to be angry again," Yamada says patting the explosive blond on the back, Bakugou grumbled and got up grabbing his bag and walking to the door and turning." tell them about the school thing!" he calls before leaving." Izuku?" Yamada asks "나는 설명 할 수 있습니다, 선생님과 음 난 곤경에 처하지 않습니다." (I can explain, the teacher and um I'm not in trouble) Izuku says "what's going on then," Aizawa asks" at school our parents are supposed to come and make a presentation about what they do and I know you guys are too busy so it's fine," Izuku says." We are busy but-" Aizawa starts then he smells smoke from the kitchen and looks at Yamada who laughed nervously."I left the oven on all day!" he yelled running to the kitchen, the subject was dropped___after a couple of days, it was the presentation day, Izuku sat at his desk as he watched some kids mom talk about being an accountant, the lady finished off and the teacher clapped slowly." great now next...... Midorya" The teacher says" um sorry mam they aren't coming," Izuku says" Hello sorry where late some villain decided to start a fight," Yamada says as he walked in, Aizawa lagged behind him, the room was silent."우주는 왜 나를 싫어합니까?" ( why does the universe hate me?"

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