Chapter 16

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Izuku was not quirkless, he had a quirk and he could be a hero! The entrance exams started in two months and Izuku was already behind, Unlike some other people that wanted to get into the hero school Izuku hadn't been training his quirk and he wasn't exactly the strongest person out there. He was scrawny and short and didn't really have a bodybuilding career going for him.

" hay papa?" Izuku asks one morning.

" what is it shooting star?" Yamada asks putting down his tea and looking at Izuku with his full attention.

" Um how do I train?" he asks " I wanna get into UA and I think I can do well on the written exams but the physical...I can't even kill a spider" Izuku admits looking down at his red shoes which were untied. Yamada let out a humming sound.

" We didn't want to tell you yet but you got a letter," Yamada says reaching into his pocket and handing Izuku a letter. Izuku looked up to Yamada confused but he opened the letter, It was from the priceable of UA Nezu.

Dear Midoriya Izuku,

Hello, I'm sorry this is so sudden but I heard about your very unusual quirk and I would like to set up a meeting and get to know you, I also heard you wanted to be a hero? Anyway ill keep this short see you Monday

- sincerely Nezu

"!" Izuku says happily, his fire quirk activating and setting the letter on fire, he quickly put it out and sighed waving his hand to clear the smoke, but hey last time he did that the fire alarms went off and it was bad.

" is it good news?" Yamada asks

"it's even better than good news it's 놀랍게도 그를 만나고 영웅이 될 수있는 기회에 대해 이야기하고 있습니다!" (amazing, I get to meet him and we are talking about me having a chance to be a hero) Izuku says suddenly switching to Korean. Izuku realized he switched and had to pause trying to get back to Japanese. "lagaði ég það?" (did I fix it?) Izuku asks. "Cad é faoi seo?" ( how about now). Yamada just stared at him and he knew he still wasn't speaking Japanese. Izuku let out a sigh and just started signing, this was something Yamada could understand.

" Oh, that's great Izu I'm so proud of you," Yamada says smiling.

'Thanks, I'm going to my room. Love you!' Izuku signed and he walked to his room.


It was Monday and Izuku was super nervous, he had been switching languages far more that morning than usual witch he tended to do when he was nervous, Izuku saw the door open and nezu was standing in front of him.

" hello Midoriya, would you like to come in?" he asks, Izuku just shook his head rapidly as they both walked into the office, Izuku sat down in a chair and nezu sat opposite of him. " so, let's get right to business shall we?" Nezu asks. " I would like you to mentor under me, also to see how you would adapt to the hero course."

" the hero course?" Izuku asks. " Merci, je n'ai jamais pensé que je serais capable de faire quelque chose comme ça, je serais honoré d'être encadré par vous" (Thank You, I never thought I would be able to do something like this I would be honored to be mentored by you) Izuku was about the apologies but he was surprised when nezu responded back.

"je suis content d'entendre ça, vous vous demandez peut-être pourquoi je peux aussi parler français, je m'intéresse à la langue depuis un moment mais je ne suis nulle part aussi expérimenté que vous" (I'm glad to hear that, you might be wondering why I can also speak french, I have been interested in language for a while but I'm nowhere as experienced as you) Nezu says. Izuku smiled brightly, he always hated how he couldn't control this part of him but to see that someone else could understand him made him happy.

"Merci encore" ( thank you again) Izuku says bowing his head as he left, he was going to start learning Under nezu in two days and he couldn't be happier.


" Ok we need you to watch this video, and tell us about the villain, how it could have been avoided and any mistakes the hero made," Nezu says, Izuku nodded and watched the video carefully. at the end of the video, Izuku smiled.

" the villain had a force field quirk, after a while the force field would get weaker so it was really just a matter of time before the hero could get to the villain, the villain could also send out shocks of power if the force field was hit and they cant move to they should have just waited," Izuku explains.

" That was great!" Nezu says making Izuku blush from embarrassment, " Izuku you are going to be a hero.


Izuku walked into the gates of UA on his first day, he was starting a week late because he had to clear some things up with Nezu. he walked through the halls, his brother offered to walk him to class but he wanted to do it himself, Izuku got a little lost but eventually made it to a big door, he took a deep breath and opened the door.

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