Chapter Three

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January 29th 2020


      I looked at my pale blue eyes and dark brown hair. I looked down at my skinny ghost hands. I clenched and unclenched them. The royals should be in the dining room. I grabbed my gloves from the side of the wooden dresser. I slipped them onto my hands.

I walked over to my closet, and threw on my black clothes. I looked at my room, I scoffed, it looked horrible anyways. I turned towards the door, opening it and stepping through. I wanted to slam it behind me, but it closed with a faint click.

I stalked down the hallway, a grin on my face, my eyes growing hard. I had knives at my belt and if anyone catches a sight of me. I wouldn't hesitate to kill them. I pulled my cloth over my face, covering my mouth.

"Come on, Cebrus, stop being such a downer! If you think she is here, she probably is!" Someone walked into the hall, and I pressed myself into the gap between the wall and a white pillar.

"I think it's my imagination," there was a faint voice. The voice made my world sing. My breath hitched, though the noise was blocked by the cloth over my mouth. I peered around the side of the pillar to get a look at them.

She had black hair and grey eyes. I knew instantly who she was. She was Queen Sheila, her aura screamed death and shadows. My hairs stood on end. I hear she was a good queen with many loyal followers. "Don't say that!" She clapped him on his shoulder, a smile on her face. "We must look for her," her grin was from ear to ear.

I saw his black wings and green eyes. His black hair matching his wings. He was such a beautiful person. Then all of a sudden his wings flared out, making Sheila stumbled backwards. His eyes scanned down the hallway, the hallways where I was standing.

"She's here." He said looking down the hallway. I hid behind the pillar, and held my breath. I heard his steps, then Sheila's steps follow after him. He was getting closer and closer, to the point that I could smell the forest off of him.

No. No. No! Then I saw his shadow right before me. His wings were the only thing I saw before he turned and looked at me. His green eyes going wide with joy. "Mate."

The second the words were out, my fist was flying. I connected it with his jaw and started running down the hall. I heard Queen Sheila shout for me to stop, but I couldn't stop. I wouldn't.

I turned the corner, and ran towards the crown. I ran like Anna's life depended on it. I shoved air down my lungs as I ran. I saw his shadow closing in on me.

I turned another corner, and I heard him slam into the wall. Then I felt it. The painting fell off the walls and the desks in the hall shook.

I grabbed a vase that was off to the side and got ready to throw it. But as I turned he grabbed my hand. I screamed, not ready for him to be that close to me. I tried to rip my hands from out of his grasp, but I couldn't. He was a living steel block. I looked into his green eyes and I froze.

His eyes swam with hurt and pain. No! I'm not falling in love. I don't fall in love. Love equals death. Everything that includes anything other than myself ends up in death.

I raised my fist to punch him again, but he grabbed my free hand. "Why are you running from me?" His grip was light but strong. I wasn't in any pain.

"Why are you grabbing me?" I shouted and went to kick his knees in. He moved out of my way, then he wrapped me into a tight hug. A hug where I couldn't hurt him without hurting myself. His lips were by my ear, and I heard his heavy breath.

"Because you are about to hurt me." My heart pinged, his words were soft, barely above a whisper. Then I heard the clicking of shoes.

"Oh course I'm going to hit you! You are chasing me!" I thrashed in his arms to no avail.

"But you were running away." We were just going to keep circling. I let out a scream in frustration.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I tried to push him away, but he just leaned back looking at me with hurt eyes.

"Cebrus, let her go," Queen Sheila said from behind him. Almost instantly he let me go. I took a step back and raised my hands to my face. Getting ready to punch him.

"Excuse me," Sheila places a hand on Cebrus shoulder, holding him back. "What's your name."

"What if I don't tell you?" I crossed my hands over my chest. She was my age, maybe a year older than me at most. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What type of question is that? Of course I would kill you." She smiled softly. Cebrus snarled and I saw her flinch. "I'm kidding, gods nobody can take a joke." She rolled her eyes, a smile still on her face. She locked eyes with me once more, "you don't have to tell me your name. But I don't understand why you wouldn't." She shrugged, letting go of Cebrus' shoulder.

     "Alcina, Alcina Willith," I huffed looking away from her. She was good at making me talk. I felt embarrassed if I didn't talk back to her.

    "Alcina," she rumbled the words off her tongue. "Pretty name, might name my child that," the she looked towards Cebrus. "Now was that so hard?"

    Queen Sheila was oddly like a normal person. She had a commoner feel about her, like I could have afternoon tea with her and she wouldn't judge you. People like that normally have dark pasts. So dark that they can't judge because they have seen so much worse.

    She smacked Cebrus in the back, making him stumble forward, "come on. Talk to her." He looked up at Sheila with the eyes of longing. Then he looked at me with hurt eyes. He looked to his hands. "I'm King Cebrus Ullur, just Cebrus to you." He looked up meeting my eyes. "Just you."

    Sheila smiled softly before turning her back and walking away, leaving with a "see you tomorrow at breakfast. I'll let them know why you won't be showing at the afternoon meetings." Then she looked back at me. "Hope to see you at the meetings soon. I'm sure we will be good friends in the future." My eyes widen, she had already accepted me at her table and all she knew was my name.

    Maybe because she was judge less, or maybe it was because she knew that she could squash me like a pea. I looked back to my mate, "walk?" He asked walking up to me.

    I had so many plans. I needed to steal the crown which would pay my way through a life of loneliness. I looked up into his green eyes. He looked conflicted, then he looked at me and it vanished.

"I'm not going back with you—" I looked out towards the wall. I didn't know these walls much, but due to this awkward conversation, I couldn't help it.

"Why not?" He looked at me, it seemed like he was looking into my soul. I flinched away from him.

"I don't want a mate." I huffed walking forward. "You don't need me, and I don't need you," I shot him a glare. I guess my moods were hot and cold. But I didn't care, and Queen Sheila wasn't here to hold both of us back.

"But—" he reached out and grabbed my wrist. I hissed and pulled it out of my grasp.

"But I need you."

The first in counter!

—The first in counter!

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Cebrus and Alcina, but then other way around ^^.

How's everyone feeling today?

Does anyone have good songs I should listen too?

Has this week been long? Or is it just me?


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