Chapter Twenty-Six

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March 8th, 2020


When I walked out into the open, I noticed I was right at the start. To my surprise, Ozul and Dai were conversing amongst themselves quietly. Though the second my eyes laid on them, their bodies stiffened and looked in my direction. I watched Ozul scrunch up his nose, "what happened?" He scanned my body, but I just shrugged.

"Heres your cape," I shrugged it off my body and tossed it over to him. It was odd to see my pale hands once more. "Sorry that it got dirty." I looked over to Dai.

"No problem," Ozul spoke off to the side. I watched him from the corner of my eye drape his cloak over his arm. Patting it lovingly. "We should probably get you back." He said resting an arm on my shoulder I squirmed under the touch, I felt gross.

"Before we do!" Dai hopped into the conversation. "I need to present you with my trade," He put a hand over his back, and grabbed something, I looked curiously. Then know and behold a huge shield with purple markings came into view. He held out the large silver and purple shield out to me. I raised a brow.

"For me?" He chuckled and nodded out his head.

"This is my trade." We looked down at the shield once more. "Just as Ozul has given you a sword, I am giving you a shield." He let go of the shield and it slumped into my arms. I let out a humph, before falling to the ground. I was barely strong enough to keep myself up on this leg. They instantly dropped down and put one hand on each of my shoulders. "Alcina?"

"I don't think I can carry this," I mumbled out embarrassed. I hated to admit my faults. They looked at one another. Dai grabbed the shield from me, While Ozul scooped my up into his arms. "What do you think you are doing?" I squealed and tried to get out of his arms.

"Carrying you." He said bluntly. "I should have seen this earlier." He pulled me tighter into his arms. I frowned but then gave in to his hold. Being carried wasn't actually that bad.

Slowly I started to nod off due to the steady rhythm of Ozul steps.


"Alcina!" I knew that voice well. My eyes snapped open. We had just stepped through the painting, back into my mates' castle. His green eyes looked deeply into mine. Then he looked up to see Ozul carrying me. He frowned. "Where have you gone?" He looked at my body. "What happened?" He scrunched up his nose in disgust.

He walked over to Ozul and practically ripped me out of Ozul's hands. He threw me over his shoulder and started walking. "We had a deal, Alcina." He looked back at me. I just hung silently. I knew that this would happen. I should have gotten back faster.

Ozul had put on his cloak and was following side by side with Dai. They were gone from the world, only I could see them. "Well, Alcina?" He was furious. He had a quiet fury, and I had clearly pushed him over the edge this time. Rightfully so. I looked out the passing windows to see the regular moon in the sky. I smiled, Weni had fixed it.

"I'm sorry," I pouted, I was weak to my mate. I just couldn't get any of my snarky comments when it's being used against him.

"'I'm sorry' isn't going to make me forgive you." He narrowed his eyes at me once more. I cringed at his tone. It was the same tone that he used against me in one of the trails. "You know how scared I was?" He set me in front of the door.

"I had to do it." I got out finally. It was true, I had to do it.

"Did you have to leave me behind? Leave me not knowing if you were safe or not." He turned his back to me. His frown got deeper, and I knew he was holding his tongue on something. Then he started walking off, not giving me a chance to reply.

    "You should have told him." Dai said bluntly next to me.

    "Be quiet." I snapped and took the door handle into my hand. Then I took a breath, "I'm sorry for snapping at you." I didn't look back at him and just opened the door. It was time for my shower.

     I was laying outside, the large trees above blocking all the sunlight. "Are you sure this book has all my answers?" I looked back at Ozul, the book now on my chest. All I had gotten from the first hundred pages was pretty much the backstory of the keys, how they were formed, how to destroy them, and what they do. Nothing about what I really want to know: why me?

    Ozul nodded then sat down next to me. Dai followed suit. "Hey." I looked between Dai and Ozul. "What would have happened if I failed?" If I had let the snake eat me. I shivered at the thought.

    "You would have died or quit and became a Death Walker like us." Dai looked down at his shadow hands, clenching and unclenching them.

    "What does it mean to be a Death Walker?" I sat up, the book falling down into my lap.

    I saw Ozul shake his head 'no' at Dai. But Dai brushed off his warning. "She deserves to know." Then he turned to me. His glowing purple eyes looking into mine. "The God of the Underworld is our master and we do his bidding. Because we died in the underworld, we are this odd mutation of life and death, and nobody wanted to deal with us besides the God of the Underworld. So he assigned us to protect the keys. The keys that you are wearing." They started to pulse on my chest.

    "What would I do if I died?" Dai shrugged, then he looked up at the sky leaning back on his hands.

    "All sorts of things." He looked back at me with a smile. "All sorts of things." He repeated laying down with his hands behind his.

    "Like?" I pressed turning to face him.

    "If I say more, Ozul will bite off my head." Dai chuckled. I gave a quick glare, how dare Ozul stop me from getting answers.

    "I would not bite his head off." Ozul shook his head is disbelief, then went back to staring into the sky.

    "Who's older?" I asked while picking up my book and flipping back to the page I left off.

    "Do you think we are close in age?" Dai said pulling his cloak over his eyes. "Gods this sun." He murmured quietly to himself.

   "Mm," I hummed, "I'm not sure."

    "We aren't." Ozul cut in.

    Dai chuckled, "Ozul had been dead for like ever. Come on Ozul, how long have you been dead for?" He shifted in his position to look at Ozul.

     "Over a thousand years." He looked pained to say it.

    "See, I had just died recently." He crossed his arms over his chest once more.

    "How long do Death walkers like fo—"




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