Chapter Thiry-Three

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April 5th, 2020




"My heat?" I asked sitting up straighter. I even felt Dai stiffen at the question. She was right, when was my heat going to kick in. How long have I known Cebrus? At least a month, maybe two at this point.

"I didn't go through heat because I was a shadow wolf," Sheila placed her hand on her chest. "Though I thought that regular wolves go through it," she splayed her hand to me.

"Yeah, we do, it just hasn't crossed my mind till now." I better not get it any time soon. I was just too busy to deal with it. Everyone was just too busy. I hear its a nightmare, chills were exposed on my skin just thinking about it. I looked at Sheila, she was once again wearing a black dress with her shield and sword strapped to her, similarly to myself.

"When do you think you will be going through it?" She asked crossing her legs. I just shrugged.

"It's not planned, hopefully not anytime soon, if I can help it." I crossed my arms.

"Just know you have a friend." Sheila pointed to herself, "even though I have been nothing but a horrible friend to you." I tilted my head. She has been a horrible friend? How?

"I heard from my mother that you were the reason that she is safe." She frowned looking at her hands once more. "I hear you risked your life to do it. I-I don't know how to repay you." She stammered, looking up at me.

I heard Dai whisper into my ears, "your first ally." I looked over to him, he had a smile on his face. I peered to Sheila to see if she had heard, and it didn't seem like she did.

"Queen Sheila." Her spine perked up at the use of the title. "I did it for our people. I didn't know she was your mom until I was there." I laughed, "so to say that I saved her just because she is you mom is giving me a bit too much praise." I stood and walked over to her.

"Though, you know how you can repay me?" I smiled and she smiled back down at me. I held out a hand, "I just want us to be good friends." I didn't know how to make friends, though this was all I got. "I want us to stick together. I will risk my life for you and your country."

"As will I." She shook my head. "I will happily lay my life down for your country, Queen Alcina." She smiled proudly.

"Friends," I said again, clarifying it.

"Friends," she recited back to me. We were left grinning ear to ear as we started working on a way to take Maeve down.


We talked for hours. Hours, just on the plan to take down Maeve and stop the werewolf king in his steps. Before we knew it, it was noon. I stood, tossing the documents into a pile. It was clear that the werewolf kingdom was gathering a large number of weapons. I wonder if my brother knew? Would my brother side with me, or his king? I don't think I wanted to know the answer.

"I have to go. Can I take these with me?" I was the math brain in this group. I like adding things up, and poor Sheila, nobody really taught her the basics. She just stared at the pages and looked up at me helplessly. So I went on and taught her some of the starting points.

"You promise to teach me some more math?" She said with a smile standing up and walking over to the closet. She pulled out a book bag and walked back over to me.

"Of course," I chuckled. Queens must help each other. She handed me the bag and I placed all the files into it. I needed to look this over. Probably with my mate to fill him in on everything we have discovered.

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