Chapter Twenty-Four

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March 6th, 2020


I've been walking for what seems like years. I just cant get to the end of this tunnel. I felt the fear build up within me with every step. What if she is scared? What if she needs me?

She could be injured. My heart nearly stopped at the thought. We weren't mated so I couldn't talk to her through mind link. There is no way the I could know where she was.

I felt a buzzing in my ear. It was someone trying to call me through the Soul Stone. Last time I remembered the sirens had a soul stone deep down into the lake of the dragon kingdom.

Cebrus? It was Sheila. How did she get her hands on a soul stone? It is a stone able to communicate to every person on the planet, if you know their first and last name. I didn't know how to respond. Do I respond out loud, or do I respond in my head?

"Hello?" I spoke aloud while walking still. I swear I could finally see the end of the tunnel. I must have been walking for over ten hours.

Cebrus! Great news! She said, I could hear the joy in her voice. I almost smiled, but then I thought about my mate and the blank expression resumed.

"What happened?" I put my hand on my sword as I got closer and closer to the end of the tunnel. I didn't know what was awaiting me on the other side.

The blood moon! It's gone! She cheered. Tell your mate that she can go outside now! Though somethings odd, I couldn't get in contact with her, it's like she disappeared from this world completely. Little did she know that she was no longer in the Mythical or Mortal realm but in the Immortal realm. It is no surprise that Sheila cannot reach my mate.

I wanted to sigh with worry but I refuse to stress Sheila out. I'm sure she would storm her way to my castle in seconds notice when she found out that Alcina had gone off to do something dangerous. Those two clicked the second they met, I think it could be there werewolf blood running between the two.

"I'll tell her," I wanted to end this, I could almost touch the white light.

Alright, goodbye Cebrus, we'll talk soon! She laughed and disappeared from my mind. The call left my mind a bit fuzzy but I was well enough to deal with whatever is on the other side of this door.

I hopped through the wall and my stomach dropped. I was back at my castle. After all that time. I was back at the castle. I drew my lips back into a snarl as I slammed my fist into the side of the wall, sending the castle shaking.

Where was my mate?


"Who are you?" Strength was slowly flowing back into my badly. I lifted up on my arms. The woman held down a gentle hand, which I greatfully took. I stood up, but moved to the nearest glass chair in the corner.

The room was made of quartz, but all the furniture was made of glass, it was quite beautiful. I looked to see the bed was made with white wood and fluffy sheets with little black stars on it. What I would do to get into that bed. "Im Senyafina, though you can call me Weni. Prounouced Wen-ee not Wen-ii or wee-nii." There was a pause. "I hear you are here to rescue me?"

    I looked her up and down and almost growled, she looked like she could escape on her own. Why didn't she? I stood, raising a hand, "you know how much your people suffered because of you?" I shouted, "how could you just stay here and watch them shake in fear in their homes for the last week!" I kept a hand on the glass table to keep my balance.

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