Chapter Six

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February 7th, 2020


We stayed there in each others arms, just rocking back and forth. He rolled his fingers down my hair silently. I felt so safe with him. I tucked my head into the crook of his neck and ultimately that's where I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up back in my own bed. I looked to both sides to see that Cebrus was nowhere to be seen. I sat up on the bed, and in the corner of my eye I saw a note placed on the golden bedside table. I grunted and reached over to grab it.

If you need anything, I'm next door. The door to the left, not to the right. That's Zaivinth's room.


P.S I didn't want to leave you, but I didn't know how comfortable you would be waking up in my room. I hope to see you at breakfast.

He was such a talker when it doesn't involve words actually coming out of his mouth. I took the paper and held it to my chest. Is this a chance at happiness? Is he a shot a happiness? I placed the note gently onto the bedside table like it would crack at any moment. That's when I noticed my hand. It was wrapped up with white bandage. When did that happen?

I flipped the covers away from me and put my feet onto the ground. I looked over at the closet and a little bit of joy sparked up within me. "Time to get ready for breakfast."

I heard a light knock on the door. "Alcina?" Cebrus' voice was soft I almost didn't hear him.

"Coming out!" I shouted, pulling on my boots while I sat on the edge of the bed. I rushed over to the door and opened it suddenly. His eyes went wide before settling back in his resting spot. His eyes were once again green. "Good morning."

He reached out a hand slowly, to see if I would slap it away, and wrapped his finger around my hand. I leaned into his touch, just a little bit. I loved his smell of pine as it washed over me. I looked up at him to see him looking down at me. What a drastic change in my behavior from last night.

"Are you feeling better?" I nodded my head, not wanted to talk much more. I was indeed feeling better. I felt safe and protected. He was right, he did have an army of men, and allies, I think I'll be alright... right?

We went the rest of the way in silence, we stood right in front of the dining room. The room that not even twenty four hours ago I was helping make. Now I was dining at it. The feeling of dread flooded into me. I clenched his hand tightly, I was a movement away from turning around and hiding back into my room.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I looked up with shock. He gave me a reassuring, soft, smile. "I hate this part too." He looked at the closed doors, then he looked back down at me. "Will you be alright?"

That lit a flame within me. Of course I'll be okay, I've survived much harder things. There is no way that I'll find anything harder than burying my best friend, especially not a breakfast. I held my chin up, and my shoulders squared, it's me against the world now. Well, more or less Cebrus and I against the world.

    "I'll be more than alright." I turned to him and gave him my best 'game face'. "Let's do this." I squeezed his hand, gathering all my energy and courage.

    Seconds later, Cebrus pushed open the door, and lead me in behind him. I almost gasped in shock as a beheld all the people in the room. There was Kings and Queens of all types of Kingdoms. There was Queen Sheila and King Zaivinth rulers of the Dragons, as well as King Xion of the Elves, the King of Werewolves and his sons, Queen Maeve, The King of Centaurs, and many others. Cebrus lead my to a spot right next to Zaivinth and Sheila.

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