Chapter Fourteen

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February 19th, 2020


Cebrus put a hand on my shoulder, drawing me from the place in my mind that I had been for the last week. He has left me alone, he was besides me almost always, yes, but he didn't talk to me unless I talked to him first.

I yelped, letting go of my silverware, it clashing down onto the table. The drink that I just took a sip out of clattered to the floor. I looked back to see a very surprised Cebrus. I put a hand on my chest, breathing out a heavy sigh, "gods you scared me." I have been on edge all week. I have had Ozul following me around, and I don't know when I'll stop being on his good side. It was terrifying knowing he could turn any moment and I could do almost noting about it.

"I'm sorry," he said furrowing his brows and then sitting next to me. I turned to him as he turned to me. "I just wanted to tell you we are leaving tonight."

"Leaving?" I asked, he nodded his head. "Trouble is stirring, there has been another person who has turned to ash." I gave a glance to Ozul who was shaking his head.

It wasn't him.

Then who was it?

"Another person?" I asked puzzled, "was there a key left this time as well?" If we are lucky, it could be the key to the Mortal or Mythical realm, but if we are really unlucky lucky, it was the key to the Underworld.

He shook his head, "no key this time." I gave another glaze to Ozul who was looking off into the distance, lost in thought. "Is there something behind me?" Cebrus took a glance over his shoulder.

"No, no." I waved my hand nonchalantly, "I just like to know who is coming in and out of the room." Perfect lie, he wouldn't doubt that for a second.

He nodded, "I understand," he smiled softly, it made my heart squeeze. I didn't like lying to my mate. Maybe someday I would tell him, and hopefully he won't think I'm completely off my rocker.

"Do you still have the sword?" He asked, looking down to my hip, where it was. He still couldn't see it. I nodded my head, "can I see it?" He asked, I nodded and I strapped it from my belt. He held out his hands and I placed it gently down. I saw his hands bob, then tighten around it.

"It still amazes me," he said looking at the sword in his hand. The black blade glistened in the daylight. It's a shame that I could be the only one to see it. It deserved to be seen by much more.

"What does?" I asked, leaning on the wooden table with my forearm. I leaned my head on my hand, gazing lovingly at my mate.

"How I know there is a sword in my hands," he looked up to me, "but I can't see it." He looked down. I looked at him pained.

    "Here, let me describe it," I grabbed his hand, I placed it at the base of the sword. "Feel those bumps?" I looked into his eyes. "Those are rubies, blood red rubies, they stand out and glow so splendidly on this black blade." Then I moved his hand down, "this is the hilt, it looks like two snakes are coming out to bite both sides, here do you feel their scales?"

    He smiled, "yeah," he whispered, "I feel it."

      Then I moved one his hands to the eyes of the snakes, "these are the rubies as well, it looks like it has bright red eyes, it can see into your soul." Just like another pair of red eyes that I know all too well. "The hilt is grey, and very comfortable one at that." I smiled and let his hands go. I rested my head on his shoulder. My eyes slowly closing.


     Hm? Did someone say my name? My eyelids were being held closed, suddenly shakes rattled through my body. "Alcina?" Cebrus said my name, turning to me.

    Alcina? The whisper of Ozul in my ear, it was like a fly that I couldn't swipe away. I just wanted to rest.

    I heard yelling and I felt my body go limp into someone's arms. My brain was shutting down, slowly, deadly slow.


     I groaned, waking up, rolling to my side. The first thing that I saw was Ozul sitting right next to my bed, leaned down and looking dead into my eyes. I let out a scream and jerked backwards.

    "Ozul?" I hiss in pain. My head hurt so much. Why did my head hurt so much? I could hear my heartbeat pounding against my skull. I raised a hand and grasped at the side of my head that was causing all the pain.  "What happened?"

    "Someone tried to poison you," he leaned back in his chair, his sword sitting across his lap. He had both of his arms across his chest and looked down at me with... concern? Or was it just anger.

    "Poison me?" I put a hand on my chest, "why?" I grasped at the fabric. I thought to all the people that wanted to poison me, and well, most of them are dead.

    "Many reasons," he shrugged.

    "Do you know who did it?" He nodded his head.

    "Well? Who are they? And where can I find them?" I grinned while looked at him pointedly.

     "You can't find them." He said back to me, a grin spreading across his face.

    "And why is that?" I looked out the window of my room, to notice that I had no idea where I was. I was somewhere deep in high trees, on the side of a mountain. This made me look around the room only to see that there was dark fabrics and whites everywhere. I looked at my sheets to see that they as well were velvet black. Where in the world was I?

     "Because they are dead."

February has been a solid week long while January was a solid three months long.


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