Chapter Sixteen

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February 21st, 2020


    "So you are telling to be that someone has the key to the underworld?" I said sneaking through the door, looking both ways to see if anyone was around the corner. There wasn't anyone, not a single person. It was like a ghost town. I gave a weary look to Ozul who just shrugged and kept walking down the hall. It was frustrating for me to see how easy it was for him to be hidden.

     "Do you know who has it?" He turned the corner, and I followed him, sticking to the side of the hall. I had my head downturned to avoid any people spotting me.

    He gave me a glance and a bit of a glare, "I have no idea." If a shadow could roll his eyes, he certainly just did. I bit my tongue, deciding it was best for me to shut up for a little while.

    We turned the corner to see another empty hallway. Where in the world was everyone? We passed a bunch of windows, I looked outside to see nothing but darkness, it sent chills down my spine to think about the moon goddess being murdered. "Do you think the moon goddess has actually been killed?"

    "Something like that," he said, turning another corner.

    "How do you know so much?"

    "I just know." I groaned but my annoyance was stopped short as we came across a large painting at the end of the hall. I knew instantly that something about this painting seemed off. I looked at the golden frame, I wonder how much it would be worth at the market, I was almost drooling.

    Then the painting caught my eyes. It was a sea, there was a rock out on the ocean and there was a human with a pair of wings, a Winged, a crow, standing looking up towards the sunset. The moon was in the corner as the sun was setting. The beautiful oranges and yellows and pinks swam in the sunset. There were clouds overhead, a single large cloud. Ozul held out a hand, "key."

    I was taken aback, but instantly I raised a hand to my neck, unstrapping it from around me. I saw his eyes go wide as I handed it over to him. He wrapped his hand around mine, taking it from me. His hands were cold, very cold. I shivered at his touch. Then he turned his back to me and placed his hand in the painting.

    "Wha—" my thought process was cut short, because the panting disappeared, leaving nothing but a dark hole into the wall. Ozul stepped up onto the ledge where the painting used to be, holding down a hand for me. I looked back down the empty hall, I thought of my mate who will certainly be worried about me when he noticed I wasn't in my bed.

    I frowned, knowing of the pain I was about him through, but I had to fix this problem no matter the costs. I looked back to Ozul hand and reached my own, taking in his dark cold hand. He pulled me up into the tunnel.

    I looked down the tunnel, which seemed to be never-ending. I gave Ozul a weary look but he just reached and grabbed a blue flaming torch from the wall. "Come." Is all he said before walking down the hallway.

    The tunnel was cramped, damp, and seemed to go on forever. It felt like we were walking for hours. "So who has the key?" I asked, my hands in my pockets to save them from the cold that was biting down at them.

    "Do you want to know?" He didn't turn back and looked at me. It made my hairs stand on end. Who was I stealing from? Did I really want to know? If I had entered the Immortal Realm, it certainly has to be from a god or goddess. 

    I frowned and shook my head looking at my toes. "No, don't tell me."

     "Here." I looked up to see the end of the tunnel, it was still dark on the other side, but it was a dark red instead of these black cobblestones. It had to be another wall. We reached the end and Ozul looks over the edge. I peered over his shoulder to see that it wasn't that big of a jump.

     "Alright, let's do this. Tell me what I need to do." I stand right next to him looking down at the velvet flooring. He looked at me, but all I was trying to do was keep my heartbeat calm. I was about to steal from a god.

     "The key to the Underworld is here," he placed his cold hand onto my shoulder, "we need to get it." I nodded my head, though I didn't really know why we needed the key. I was just trusting the process.

    "Here you go." he held the key to the Immortal Realm out to me once more. I held up a hand.

    "You can keep it, really." I joked, getting ready to jump down.

    "Alcina," Ozul said in a scolding tone. I gave him a weary smile.


    "It's yours."

    "It was yours first." I talked back, he sighed deeply.

    "The key was never mine, Alcina."

    "Stop saying my name."


    "Ugh!" I let out a cry of annoyance. "I don't want it!" I shoved his hand back. "It's more trouble than its worth." I just wanted to live an easy calm life. I didn't ask for any of this.

    "Alcina..." He said calmly.

    "I swear if you say my name one more time!" I raised my fist towards him. Though to my surprise, he grabbed my hands gently, opening my palm out and placing the key into it.

    "It's yours." Then he closed my hand around it. "Only you can carry it." Then he let my hand go. I clenched my hand into a fist.

    "What if I throw it."

     "I'll fetch it and give it back to you."

"Aren't I the one who is supposed to be the dog?" I sighed putting the necklace back around my neck. The key was back to pulsing it's power into me. "So there is no escaping you is there?"

He chuckled softly, "no." Then we froze up, we heard footsteps from down the hall.

"Who is there?!"

Dude this week was five weeks long TGIF

—Dude this week was five weeks long TGIF

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1-10 how mad do you think Cebrus is going to be when he finds out?

Why do they need the key?

Who is calling for them?

Is it all going to go to plan?


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