Chapter Fifteen

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February 20th 2020


"He's dead?" I crossed my legs sliding off the covers. "Who killed him?" I looked back at Ozul who was watching me intently. I placed my feet onto the cold floor. I felt my legs tremble, but I pushed off the bed. I wanted to see where I was. I hugged my clothes close to me as I walked to the window.

"Your mate." He said slowly, I snapped my head to him, as I leaned on the window.

"My mate?" He nodded, I scoffed and turned to look at the window. We looked deep into some forest, deep into it, to the point all I could see was darkness in the distance. I looked up towards the sky to see trees blocking the way. I didn't know if it was night or day. "How did he find out who did it?"

Ozul shrugged, "not sure myself," he stood and walked to the corner. He did that when someone was about to enter the room. "Was there another key?" I saw his body twitch. I was referring to the person who died, before I had gotten poisoned.

"Yes." Then the door swung open, cutting the conversation dead.

"Alcina!" It was Cebrus , I smiled softly. He looked to be in a bit of a panic, though I would be in the same shoes if he was in my position. He walked over to me quickly, throwing his arms around me. I melted into his touch. "How are you feeling?" He hugged my shoulders, putting his nose to the bale of my neck.

"Good." I ran my finger through his hair. "How are you Cebrus?" How long was I out for is what I wanted to ask, but that could wait. He looked up at me.

"Good now that you are okay. But," he paused, he looked to the bed. "You might want to sit down for this." I raised a brow? How bad could it be? I had no serious friends, so I had no one serious to lose. The most important person to me was right in front of me.

I moved to the bed, holding onto my mate's arm. He sat me down, and as he sat beside me I placed my hands into my lap. "Yes?" I said, a bit of concern in my voice. Had anything happened to Sheila and Xion?

"Okay," he paused again. How bad could this news be? "Ah," He paused again.

"Cebrus," I placed a hand on his lap. "How bad can it be?" I smiled softly, hoping it would calm him into saying what was on his mind.

It's pretty bad... Oxul said in the corner, his moonlight chuckle filling the room. He was mocking me, I held back an eye roll.

"You cannot go outside." I was taken aback, I leaned backward, eyebrows raised to the heavens. I was about to speak, but he held up a hand, "not because I'm stopping you." He sighed and looked out the window, his green eyes glittering in the candlelight.

"The blood moon has been out for three days." He turned back to me, "there has been no daytime."

I opened my mouth with shock. "So there is no sun?" I grabbed the blanket next to me, holding it tightly. He bobbed his head up and down. "A blood moon, for three days straight..." I grabbed my chin, tapping my foot.

"Why?" I looked over at him, and he shook his head.

"Sheila is looking it to it, but she can't do much because of well..." He was referring to the blood moon, all wolves are weak to the sight of the blood moon. He put his head in his hands, "though there are only rumors." He rubbed his face sitting up again looking into my eyes. His green eyes had bags underneath them.

"Rumors such as?"

"You are the reason that the moon goddess has gotten killed." I gasped and shot to my feet.

"How? I've been poisoned?" I splayed out with my hands. Instantly my hands went to my hair, embedding them deep into the roots. My black robe pooled at my feet.

"They are just rumors, but..." He chose his words wisely, "not even minutes after you went unconscious, the world went dark." He shook his head. "I flew you out here instantly, we arrived just before the blood moon had risen."

"And you are telling me, there hasn't been light since?" I shook my head, I couldn't get my head around this. He nodded his head. "How do we even fix this?"

He stood, putting his hands on my shoulder, "I don't think there is anything we can do. We just need to sit here and wait for this to end."

"But what about your people?"

"Our people will be fine. We survive through anything, Alcina, anything. We are more worried about you." I took in a breath, he was right, Crows are known for surviving through anything. His people will be fine. We need to find a solution to this problem.

"Is Sheila here?" I asked, giving Ozul a glance.

He shook his head, "No she is stuck at Maeve's castle, she didn't leave in time."

I frowned, "Is there any way that I can help?" I looked up to him with pleading eyes. He thought for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Recover well. We would all feel better when you heal." He pushed my shoulders down onto the bed. I reluctantly went, wrapping myself back up in the blankets.

"I don't even feel that bad," I protested, though to no avail.

"They said your lungs collapsed and your heart stopped," His face darkened over. "No one just feels better in four days."

"But I feel fine?"

He chuckled and walked to the door. "I'll send the nurses in to check on you later."

"And what if I want to get up?" I said holding up a hand to stop him. He paused, thinking for a moment.

"Please take into consideration everyone around you before you do something stupid."

"Oh, you're saying getting up is stupid?" I said offended.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." He said with a smirk. "Now good night."

"What if it's morning!" I shouted as he opened the door and started to slip through.

"Alcina. The sun has died. It's always night." Then he shut the door behind him. I chuckled to myself then I turned to Ozul.

"So..." I said getting out of bed once more. "Tell me you know how to fix this?" I said walking over to the closet, opening it up to see all sorts of clothes. I grin from ear to ear, there is nothing more I like then being up to no good.

"I do." I slip into the closet.

"Great!" I said with joy. I looked through the clothes. Dress, dress, dress, dress, where are all the pants. Oh, there is one. I grabbed a pair of black pants, they were baggy, but that's alright. "Where are my knives?" I asked myself aloud as I looked for a shirt. "Start explaining what I have to do!"

"It involves stealing." I didn't think my grin could get wider.


Omg my work didn't save... I had my notes down here...

Do you think that Sheila knows what's going on?

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Do you think that Sheila knows what's going on?

What happened to the goddess of the moon?

What do you think she is about to steal?


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