Chapter Eight

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February 9th, 2020


I walked into the courtyard, and Sheila and her mate were already there bickering. "She was pretty!" She shouted at him who looked like he was about to jump off the cliff this castle was on.

"Sheila, you are the prettiest woman I have ever seen, I would never cheat on you." He grumbled grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her into a hug. She resisted and then reluctantly gave in. I didn't hear the rest of their conversation because of Cebrus who was dragging me to their corner of the courtyard. I heard that only the elite was here with us, while the rest of the army was stationed back at the kingdom having time with their family after the war.

The second that we came into view of the men, they stood up and straightened their spines, saluting to Cebrus. He placed his hand at the curve of my back. He looked out to the men and then back at me. "My mate." Then he gave a nod to the soldiers who nodded back. It was like they were speaking with their minds. Do birds have a pack link?

I had never been able to join the pack link because I was put into slavery at eleven and normally you become one with the pack at fifteen. That is when wolves are open to finding their mates. I nodded to them, and they instantly bowed falling to their knees.

I took a step back out of shock, but Cebrus held me in place. "Long live the linage of the crows," they said in unison. I raised an eyebrow at Cebrus but he just shrugged before pushing me forward.

I looked back at him with a shocked expression, and he just gave me an equally confused one. "Well?" He asked, holding out an arm to the men in front of us. "Choose someone to fight." I stumbled in my step. No this was not my intention when I said that I wanted to fight someone. I was about to open my mouth to speak my mind but someone butted in.

"Sheila? You want to fight someone?" We looked to the side to Xion walking out with a smile on his lips.

    Training was hell. Xion started to bark up the wrong tree when he asked to fight me. Cebrus almost sent him six feet under. I ended up retreating to the comfort of Sheila who took me under wings and taught me the basics of hand to hand combat.

    "Good." She stuck towards my face. I blocked and moved out of the way. "Good." She stated again. "You're fast." I took a side step and sent a punch towards her face.

    "Thank yo—" then she punched me square in the face. I stumbled backwards holding my nose. I hissed as I felt blood start to come from my nose.

    Sheila eyes lit up with worry, "oh my gods," she came closer to me but I took a protective step backwards, turning my shoulder to protect myself from her. "Gods I'm so sorry, you were so fast I thought you would have dodged it. This is all my fault." She pulled out her handkerchief holding it out for me to take.

    The handkerchief was crimson red with black lance, it looked too nice for me to take for a bloody nose. "I swear to the gods if you messed up my face." I hissed with a little bit of joke in my voice.

    "I didn't! I didn't! Let me see." She pulled my hands away from my face and placing the handkerchief on my nose. I hissed in pain but didn't move.

    "At least the person who broke my nose is the Queen of Dragons." I joked as she held onto my face.

    "I didn't break your nose," she whined in panic, "let's get you to the infirmary," she looked around to see that Zaivinth was on his way over to see what has happened.

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