Chapter Twenty

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March 2nd, 2020


"Oh my gods!" I screamed in fear as I climbed over a ledge. The snake came up and almost bit off my already wounded leg. I scrambled back, out of reach of the very enlarged snake. I was breathing up and down, my lungs about to give out. Blood ran down my temples and I thought to all the people that had loved me. I was so close to being done, I was on my third and hopefully final task, yet there was no way that I can kill the serpent and pass through the door alive. I clutched the new second key around my neck. It stung, just like the first one used too.

I felt tears drip down my face as I stared up at the sky. There was no way I would survive this. All my luck was used up. It was over.

I have been walking for hours and nothing was to be seen. Heidos has left me with nothing but this long trail of green light and I've just been following it. If this is all I would be doing, this was nothing.

At one point I was skipping and humming to myself. It was the only thing stopping me from being bored out of my mind.

I had no idea how long I've been down here. I hadn't felt tired at all, yet I certainly have been going for quite a while. The key around my neck bounced with every step. I felt the sword around my waist swish with the wind.

"Hmm?" My humming stopped as came across a dark grey light in the distance. I picked up my speed and started moving over to that light.

It only took my a few minutes until I arrived at the massive wall. It was covered in all these engraved words of a language I had never even seen before. I placed my hand on the wall and traced my finger through the indents. "What am I going to do with this?" I wondered to myself.

I groaned and backed up against it, sliding to the ground. I raised a hand to my hair and braided it back. After I was done I leaned back against the wall. I closed my eyes, the darkness was starting to get way too comfortable.

"Maybe I need to use this key..." I stood again and looked at the large stone doors in front of me. It reached all the way up to the top of the cave. "Key hole, key hole, key hole, key hole," I said over and over again as my eyes slowly made their way down the sides of the doors.

"Ah!" I found a particular looking hold in the wall. "Found you," I smiled as I took the key off my neck, I looked at the hole. It's going to be a tight fit. Well if the key breaks at least I don't have worry about Ozul. I felt a little sad thinking about it. Just a little.

I jammed the key into the center of the wall. I watched as bright green lights flood the cracks of the door, making it light up. I stepped back, grabbing the key as the door slowly started to wake. I looked overhead to see debris falling down from the roof. I saw the door open enough for me to slide through.

I slid, not wanting to be crushed by the falling rocks. I got seriously lucky because seconds after I made it inside the roof complete collapsed on the other side. I looked back in shock, I was so lucky. I thanked my lucky stars and started examining the room.

I noticed that this room was completely different. It was filled with red flame that was seen to go around in a square. I started to swear from the heat surrounding me. I needed to start moving.

There was a single quartz statue in the middle. It was of a woman in a blanket, crumpled to the ground crying over something shattered in her hands. I walked up to the statue as I tied the key back around my neck. Never know when it would be needed again. It somehow keeps coming in handy. I still had some digging to figure out, because shouldn't the immortal key not be able to work in the underworld? Shouldn't that be where the underworld key should be working? I shook my head. Let's just take this one step at a time.

I look at the bottom of the statue. I noticed that on a golden plate there were words engraved. I crouched down, placing both hands on the side of the plates. "Aven sllivi fers jeverus," I mumbled to myself. I groaned after I had finished reading it. "What in the hell is that supposed to mean?" I stood dusting myself off.

It would be nice to have a friend right around now. Did I have a time limit to when I have to complete this? I groaned again, I was so frustrated, I knew nothing yet my life was on the line. "Okay," I said to myself. "We need to find out what these words mean. There has to be something around here." I told myself in third person.

I started to scan the area yet everything looked similar and nothing stood out. I sighed and looked at the statue again. I glanced at what was in her hand. I stepped onto the base of the statue. I looked at her face. Even her tears were carved. She looked so real, like she was frozen in stone.

I looked down into her hands to see two tiny broken purple pieces. "What in the world?" I said to myself as I bent to pick it up. I leaned on the woman and reached to grab what was in her hands.

I took it into my hand and gasped. These things certainly do look like they go together. But what is this thing? I looked around, and once again nothing stood out.

This cloak was certainly getting hot from all the flames. I sighed giving up. I went back to look at the woman's face. It's kind of sad that this pretty woman statue has to wither away in this hell hole.

I used her hand to help myself down and in the middle of my jump, her hand broke off. I swear I heard the scream of the woman.

I stumbled back, so fast that I fell right onto my backside. Her hand was on the floor. Slowly that hand turned in to a fleshy pale hand. I almost threw up right then and there. "No," I gasped out. "No. No. This is not happening." I looked to the woman to see her tear streaks become dark. Dark and very, very real.

I saw her stone mouth open again, a deafening scream come from her lips. I raised my hand to my ears, blocking out the noise. I clenched the pieces tight in my hand. "How do I get out of here?" I said to myself whipping my head around to find and exit. I couldn't go back from where I had came. No, that would be a death trap, it had been blocked off by fallen rocks. I turned my back, starting to look for another way to escape.

"The key—" sobbed the woman behind me. I got chills, the woman was talking now. I slowly turned on my heels to look at the woman. She had glowing red eyes, pale skin, black hair, and a black robe on. She was perfectly "human" now. "Where's the key?!" She screamed again. I covered my ears once more.

I looked into my hand. I noticed that the two little objects in my hand look pretty similar to what a key looked like. My mouth went dry, oh hell no. I looked back to the woman. It seemed that she hasn't noticed me quite yet. Maybe I could sneak out before she did.

"My hand?!" She screamed again. I started to make a bee line towards the walls. The next door has to be on the wall right? Doors go on walls. Right?

I didn't know a damn thing anymore. Not a damn thing. People melt from stone. Survive losing a hand. Keys to realms exist. Keys can break. The moon goddess was dead. Or locked in the underworld. Ghost exist and follow you. Death walkers have cloaks. Ghost swords exist. It was all becoming too much.

"It was you!"

It's official, my day couldn't get any worse.

Who's excited for this week!! We have actually survived two months of the worst year. It can't get even worse!!

 It can't get even worse!!

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Who's this woman?

How is she going to get out?

Is the prices a key and what does it do?


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