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   I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Heads up it was released 27/01/20 so if it's near then while your reading this you might not get an update for a while. If you have any advice, comments always welcome😁

Percy's POV
I was pushed down, my face slamming into the dirt. Rock and mud sprayed into my mouth. I swear I could taste the stench coming from my opponents shoes. I stood up annoyed.

"Seriously?" I asked. I glared at the boy in front of me's messy blonde hair. He smiled showing off his perfect teeth.

"You wanted a fight, I'm giving you one."

"You're giving me headache listening to you."
I sighed picking back up my sword. He'd have to do better than that. I was stronger now. I was stronger than him.

I smiled, circling him. I drove my sword at his abdonom but he rolled out the way. He jabbed at my legs. I used my quick reflexes to jump over the blade. I kicked the boy in the stomach sending him sprawling. I walked toward him and held the tip of my weapon to his throat.

His eyes held little fear but he still pleaded. "Omega, come on. Give a guy a chance." I'd gotten so use to the code name I didn't flinch anymore like when it was first assigned.

I laughed with my fellow comrade before helping him up.

"Okay, Lukey." I ruffled Luke's hair. At first I wasn't to pleased with him on my team but once your forced to spend time with someone for 5,000 years you kinda grow to like them. The guy did end up on the good side right before he died so it wasn't all that bad.

"Giving up quick, Alpha, eh?" A girl in the back asked Luke using his code name. Yes, Alpha and Omega. No, we are not dating. Luke is just my second in command and the rest of the squad calls our nagging 'love banter.'

"Going Canadien on us now, eh?" Luke emphasized the eh.

"Luke, please. We all know Bianca here is more of an underworld type of girl." Beckondorf said walking forward his arm wrapped around Selena's shoulder.

Shade (Bianca's code name) glared at the couple. Ahh, gotta love these guys. When Chaos brought me to his world 5,000 years ago he let me pick out dead warriors to join the army. Luke (Alpha), Bianca (shade), Beckondorf (Forge) and Selena (Beauty) are just a few. Theirs Ethan (Pirate), Zoe (Huntress), Orion (Scorpio) and the original Perseus (Sparks) too.

Of course their are more warriors this is just the main squad. We pretty much just goofed around and did our own stuff. Chaos let us as long as when it came to missions we got down to business and did what we're asked.

Ethan walking into an argument about Canadian stereotypes between Bianca and Alpha. He simply rolled his eyes. "Chaos wants to see us."

Chaos is a pretty chill guy. He often joins in on our jokes and in all is kind of like us. You know except for the fact he's the creator of the universe and stuff.

"What does he want?" I asked.

Pirate shrugged. "Something about the next mission."

The other warriors and I sighed and made our way out of the training arena. The world of Chaos is pretty cool. Every single room is designed to look appealing to diffrent people. You only see the room the way you want to see it or how the owner wants you too. Annabeth would have been impressed.

No. I snapped at myself. Get her out of your head. She was Percy Jackson's friend, not yours. Percy Jackson is dead. He faded a long time ago. Your Omega now.

I rehearsed my daily speech again. Every morning just to get myself out of bed I had to tell myself that life was in the past. Deep down I knew it wasn't. Some days I could barely open my eyes I cried so hard. My world had shattered and no mater how hard I try to pick up the broken peices it always falls apparat again. Luke has tried multiple time cheer me up. I guess some things people can never truly get over.

I felt a sickening feeling tug at my stomach at the thought. They got over you. A voice in my head spoke. I shook my head ignoring it.

"Omega, I have a new, not so liked, mission for you." Chaos's deep and powerful voice pulled my out of my thoughts. He sat on his throng gripping the gold snake armrests. The black leather blended in with his cloak. His eyes still spun with the galaxy's he rules.

     "That is?" Shade asked stepping forward. I saw Chaos frown. He stared at the ground looking almost guilty.

    "I don't mean to do this to any of you but you swore an oath to protect my worlds and well earth is one of my worlds."

    I looked at the man who had been like a father to me over the past few years. He had to be lying. He would never do that to Luke and I. Never. Would he?

    "I feel a war coming. Someone more powerful than Gea. The gods need help and so do their children." He looked up at me. I saw the pitty and dread in his eyes and knew he really didn't want to do this. He wouldn't of unless it was needed. Who ever it was that posed a threat against Earth, I feared them if they were powerful enough to scare Chaos.

    "Omega, you and your squad shall go to earth and stay at camp half blood to provide protection for all those there."

    I stared blankly at Chaos. He... but, no. "I understand." I said softly. " Its been 5,000 years, we should be alright."

     I noticed Chaos wince. "Percy, 5,000 Chaos years but..." I remembered then. How could I have forgotten. I aged with the Earth years and I didn't feel old.

    "5 Earth years." I sighed. Of course the fates would make it like this. I would be turning 23 in a month and a half. I'd of ran away exactly 5 years ago in a month and a half. That meant...
No! I scowled at myself. Don't get all hopeful now.

    "Is there any way we can hide our identity's?" Luke asked. " 'Cause I personally don't want to be slaughtered by a bunch of angry campers."

    A couple others nodded their heads in agreement. I almost forgot I wasn't the only one with troubles back home.

  "Yes," Chaos said suddenly more excited. " I made you these cloaks. They hide your face from people outside the army." He snapped his fingers and cloaks magically dropped over our shoulders. Mine was a midnight black. A navy blue ribbing trimmed the edges. The others were black but with a grey outline. The silk felt soft to touch and was lighter than anything I'd ever seen. I pulled my hood up as the others followed.  Sure enough everyone's eyes were covered but their moths still showed. Their chaos names were in graved in silver along their chests.

    "Thank you." I said to Chaos.

     "I'm sorry." He grimaced. "Good luck." He snapped his fingers and we were whisked away by the wind.

     When I looked around I saw dozen of demigods staring at us. All of them wore bright camp t-shirts and weapons. Most were huddled around a campfire, their faces shadows hidden by the flames.

    I smirked at their shocked expressions. This was going to be fun.

Again sorry for the grammar and spelling. I'm new at this and I know it's kinda fast paced right now but it gets better. Last update: 27/01/20

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