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Very emotional stuff going on. That's a warning. True colours just started playing on my phone while writing this😭 styx, why am I so attached to these characters? Anyways, sorry this chapter took so long to come out. This and the next chapter are some of the most important so they are long and we're very hard to write. Enjoy.

Percy's POV,
I stood there. That's all I did. I didn't cry, I didn't move, I just stood there and let the pain consume me. A suffocating feeling filled my chest as it sucked every good feeling out of me and was replaced with pain. Guilt, grief, anger, sadness. What does one do with all these emotions? I felt like crying and screaming at the same time but I just stood there as the world crumbled around me. All the screams from before were silenced and the world seemed to stop. He's dead. Luke is dead.

I was in Chaos's training arena and I was face first in the dirt. I laughed and got up taking his hand. His short blonde hair and comforting eyes. He slung an arm around my shoulder and gave me one of his bright smiles.

          "And the win goes to Luke Castellan! The crowd goes wild!" He exclaimed pumping the air and imitating cheering crowds. I rolled my eyes and whacked his arm. "Ow!"

           "You baby, I didn't even hit you that hard." I rolled my eyes again and nearly fell over in surprise as he pushed me. He burst out laughing and pointed at me.

          "Your face!" He doubled over with laughter and I glared. I grabbed my water bottle and spilt its content on him. He shook his head spraying water everywhere. Selena shrieked and jumped away into Orion's arms. We all burst out laughing.

          "You smell like wet dog," Zoë stated, scrunching up her nose in disgust. Luke glared and rested an arm on my shoulder.

          "She's one to talk," he whispered into my ear. I snickered and looked up at my friend. His mischievous eyes glistened in a way only a child of Hermes's could.

             The memory faded leaving a hollow feeling in me. I'd never get to laugh with him again, I'll never have to help him with his anxiety, I'll never get any of it because my best friend, my brother, was dead. The felling sunk in and it felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and taken with him into that fire to burn.

Zoë, Orion, Jason, Frank and Luke... all gone. The battle had barely begun and they were already dead. I looked around at the rest of my friends. Their faces held so much pain and grief. My breath caught and for a moment I forgot how to breath. My eyes stung and my lungs hurt. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. I didn't know what to do. I watched the flames of the fire slowly die out and fade from the camp. The smoke in the air disappeared from the skies and left an empty space in my heart. A space that could only be filled by the ones that were gone. Heroes, they died heroes and would not be forgotten. Why did they have to die? They were supposed to live... Luke was going to be commander, he was going to live.

"Aww, that's too bad." A loud voice boomed from across the camp fields. Anger swelled in my chest. "I would have loved to face my former host."

I spun around slowly to glare at the mighty Titan standing behind our group of friends. Anger boiled inside of me. He did this. This was all his fault.

"I've heard a lot about you Omega, I'm honoured to be the one to kill you." Kronos said with a deep cunning voice. He didn't sound like Scott despite looking like him. I felt bad for the poor guy, he probably didn't know that Kronos would use him like this, unless he did know.

"You killed them..." my voice was a low growl and the people around me backed up. I noticed an army of monsters waiting by the borders. I ignored them and focused on Kronos. "It's your fault they are all dead."

Omega of the dead heroesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora