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10,000 views!! Holy Hephaestus hardware! When did that happen?! Hope y'all enjoy Chapter #40, it has sensitive content 😥

         Biancas POV, (beware, short POV)
          I continued to raise dead from the ground to protect those around me while I lunges at Empousa and gorgons. I ducked away from a cyclops as it threw an axe at me. I laughed when I gave it the middle finger and it practically had a temper tantrum.

        "Someone going to cry?" I jutted out my bottom lip in a teasing manner which only made the cyclops more mad as he came at me. I stabbed my sword into his chest and smiled.

          "That outta do it, right Zoë?" I asked jokingly but when I didn't receive a response I looked around in confusion. "Zoë?"

          I spotted her and my heart broke. I screamed like I was the one with an arrow sticking out of my gut, not her.


          Zoë's POV,
           I don't know what happened. One moment I was shooting at every monster around me and the next I was on my knees clutching my abdomen. I looked down at the feathery tip of the arrow. When I pulled my hands away I saw and felt hot, red, sticky blood clinging to my fingers. I choked in disbelief. My ears rang and my head felt light as Bianca's scream echoed across the battle field. I crumpled from my knees to the ground. My head looked to the side. Everything was dizzy and unclear.

            I saw Bianca kneel down to me and my slow mind couldn't fully make out her words, only feel her tears on my face. She grabbed my hand and it felt cold compared to the blood. I noticed a hooded figure standing over me and heard his shaky muttering. Every time I blinked I felt as though my eyes could close and stay that way.

         "It's... It's alright," I croaked struggling to speak. I saw Bianca shake her head and she squeezed my hand tighter. I groaned as pain flared through my stomach. "Gods t-that hurts like a bitch."

         Bianca laughed weakly and leaned down to move my hair out of my face. "This isn't funny."

        "I-it's sort of is. I mean," I gestured to the blood covered arrow sticking out of my stomach. "Archer, killed by an arrow."

         She shock her head and I could just barely make out her tears that streamed down her face as the rest of the world blurred and dissolved.

         "It's ok-kay," I tried to comfort her but my whisper of a voice wasn't exactly reassuring. "I was always m-meant to rest in the stars."

          "N-no. You are not going to die on me." She was shook her head while her voice cracked. "We can take you to Will. You'll get better and-"

         I cut her off by weakly resting my hand on her arm. "We both k-know that not... going to happen."

        Each breath was a struggle at this point. I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I winced and glanced at my wound only to find blood seeping past the arrow and staining my cloths. Damn it, I thought that leaving the arrow in was supposed to contain the bleeding?

        "Zoë, you cant... you can't die." Bianca wept but I forced myself to stay strong. I looked her in the eyes and shushed her softly.

        "I'm not, I'm just going to live in a different place." I felt myself fading already. "Just... look up... and y-you'll see me. I'll be... w-watching. I l-love you. Tell the others... I love them too..."

          I found the strength in me to let go. I saw the stars grow closer until I dissolved into them. I closed my eyes and knew when they opened again I wouldn't be on the battle feild of camp half-blood. I took a deep breath as a light or rather a darkness swallowed me. I knew the feeling all to well. The feeling that wraps around you like comforting arms. It carry's you away from a world that inflicted pain upon you. It's a relief but also a loss. It's the final goodbye to the people you love. That's the feeling of dying. Every member of Chaos's army knows it, except for Percy. It's not as bad as they say. It's sort of like waking up from a dream. The life you lived is just a memory, it doesn't hurt, you don't walk into a light you just... fade. They say you die twice, once when you take your last breath and again when your name is says for the last time. I'd argue to say when you take your last breath you don't die, you just leave for a while. You go to the underworld and live out your days until everyone forgets you, your story, your name. I knew I would really die for a long tine, not when when I'm a star in the sky.

Omega of the dead heroesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant