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    So, this chapter will have many short perspectives and will not be as action filled as some others. Ugh, I want to say more but can't without spoiling, grrr. Hope you enjoy. Okay... moving on.
      By the way, I AM NOT A DOCTER. So if there are any scenes involving medical assistance (cough, there is, cough cough.), just remember it's made up and don't get mad. I'm only twelve.

     Orion's POV,
      As soon as we saw the smoke, Zoë and I ran over to Thalia's tree. A crowd had formed around the charred leaves. Someone had put out the fire but it still burnt a fair bit of the tree. I could already feel the barrier weakening.

      I looked over at Zoë. She was standing there full of shock. I saw the tears welling in her eyes and gave her a hug. I never knew this Thalia character but what I'd heard from the others, she was a brave warrior worthy of her immortality with the hunters. It was a shame someone would do this to her tree, the one her life had once been tied to. 

      "Please, everyone calm down!" A loud feminine voice called out attempting to shush the crowd. "It's alright. The tree will regain its strength to protect the camp. As for me, I'm okay. I felt the tree burning and the hunters and I came right away. We got here just in time. Please everybody calm down."

     I lifted my head. Thalia? The hunters? They were here? I scanned the crowd. A dozen or so girls all huddled together in a group, some holding arrows against bows ready to fire at any sight of a threat. The all wore silver cloths and at the very centre was a girl that looked around fourteen. She had beautiful silver eyes and glowing brown hair. A few freckles adorned her olive skin. Artemis...

      My jaw dropped at the sight of the goddess. I made my towards her and knelt.

       "Please forgive me, my lady." I bowed my head. I didn't have to see the confusion on her face to know it was there.

        "I don't know what you would be sorry for." She said in her sweat voice. "It was Kronos who did this, unless you helped him you have nothing to be the fault of."

      I winced, realizing I still had my hood up. I felt the campers around me hold their breath no doubt remembering who I was.

       "I'm afraid your wrong." I looked up at Artemis. I pulled my hood down. "Can you forgive me?"

       Her look of shock broke my heart. It was her smile that followed after that kept me from shattering. My chest still hurt from her arrow that pierced it thousands of years ago. I watched as her features changed from one of a fourteen year olds to that of an age similar to mine. She flung her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear.

       "Of course." She pulled away and cupped my face. "How-how are you alive."

      "Lady Artemis," Zoë stepped forward. "My name is Huntress. I am third in command of the Chaos army. I believe you know of it. Orion here has taken on a role within this army. We are here to help defend the camp. We have very inportant matters to attend to currently but if you and your army could join us at dinner we could explain more."

       "I understand. Your army's reputation is impressive. I shall see you at dinner Huntress. Perhaps there we could..." Artemis looked at Zoë. "Discuss the origin of your name, Huntress." 

       The goddess of hunt kissed me on the cheek. "You have a lot of explaining to do." She whispered in my ear. As she walked away her hunters stared in shock at her show of affection. I gave them a shy wave. Who I assumed was Thalia, snorted and walked away following her leader. I glared at Zoë.

       "Screw you," I spat. "Did you not see we were having a moment."

      "Whatever lover boy." She waved my comment off. "Let's go find Omega and Alpha."

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