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       Percy's POV,
       I was crying. I was actually crying from joy. Huh, it was strange since I often cried from massive amounts of pain not the opposite. I heard Grover give a sniffle of his own and I pulled out of the hug and wiped away my tears. I gripped his shoulders and looked him up and down. My eyes had to be deceiving me. I couldn't believe it, after five and a half years he'd returned. Where has he been all this time? Why did he come back now? A thousand question swirled around in my head.

       "Why are you crying? Upset you best friend is back?" Grover laughed at his own joke.

      "G-man, no way would I ever be sad to have you here." I stepped back feeling a weird sensation in the back of my head. I had tried to use the empathy link to find him hundreds of times but it never worked. It was like it disconnected, so why was it back now.

      Luke cleared his throat. I spun around to look at him. I almost forgot they were here.

     "Hate to ruin the moment but your friend looks like he's going to wet himself. Perhaps you should explain to him how we aren't murders?" I glanced at Grover and sure enough he was quivering in fear as he stared at the Chais warriors.

      "If I told him that though I'd be lying to him," I stated very calmly. Grover's eyes widen. "I'm just kidding, man. They're not going to kill you."

      Grover immediately relaxed. I clapped my hands and faced the group. I placed a sturdy hand on that satyrs shoulder. "You guys can take off your hoods if you want."

      Everyone except for Luke and Ethan took off their hoods. I heard Grover gasp and chuckled. I'll never get used to people's reactions. I now knew what it was like to see someone you thought was dead. I looked down at Grover. How was he here? I needed him all this time and now here he was. It was too good to be true. First that whole thing with Annabeth and now this? Was I in another coma?

      "What the hell." Luke then did something I didn't expect. He ripped off his hood. This time not only Grover gasped. Luke shrugged. "What? Annabeth knows why can't Grover? He was my friend too you know."

       Grover yelped and jumped away from Luke. His expression was as wild as his shaved beard. He pointed at Luke accusingly. "You said they won't kill me! Did you forget about him!"

        "This is why I keep my hood on." Luke grumbled and his shoulders sagged in defeat. Something in his voice told me he hoped Grover would be different but still expected this reaction.

       "G-man, he's good. He died a hero remember." I gripped his shoulders before walking over to a grumpy Luke and resting my arm on his shoulders. "See."

      "Right...yeah." Grover seemed dazed. "Hero... good guy.. dead... wait, dead!"

      I was beginning to wonder when he would ask that. He started shaking and biting his finger nails nervously. His little goat legs looked like they might give up on him. I guided him to sit down on a log. Oh boy, this was going to be a long night.

      "Listen buddy, all these people here, including me, are apart of Chaos's army. Heard of it?" Grover nodded slightly still looking like he might faint. "Everyone in the army has died but been revived by Chaos, with the exception of me. We go around the universe protecting the worlds, fighting monsters, you get the point. Anyways, five years ago, a few months after you disappeared, I joined and was made commander. Ever since I haven't been to Earth until a few weeks ago when we found out Kronos was rising again with the help of some unknown force. We cane here with secret identity's. All of us have revealed ourselves except for Luke aka Alpha, Pirate and me aka Omega. Understood?"

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