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            This is entirely about the letter so hope y'all enjoy. It's a short chapter! Also there is no POV.

To all those who won't remember

You won't remember my name, you won't remember what I did, Who I was, where I was from, what I meant to you. You probably won't remember there ever being a son of Poseidon. You won't remember the child of the prophecy, one of the seven. You won't remember your friend. No matter what I do, I will remember. I will remember your smiles, your faces, your victory's, your deaths. I'll remember how much I loved you and how easily you forgot me. I'll remember the pain, I'll feel it even in the happy memories. I will forever remember what it felt like to sit alone at dinner as your voices filled my ears, I could hear you and see you but you wouldn't notice me. I will remember how I could scream but you wouldn't hear, I could call your name and you might as well have been deaf. I will remember how you passed through me like I was mist, nothing to you. You won't remember any of it. I never wanted to be the hero, I just wanted the ones I love to be with me... but I don't even get that anymore, do I? When will it ever be enough? I put my life on the line thousands of times. I do everything to protect the ones I love. My fatal flaw is loyalty and yet still, it isn't enough for you? I'm still not worth it, I still can be forgotten. The worst feeling in the world is watching everyone you love slip away and know you can't do anything about it. It will tear you up from the inside out until you feel like nothing but a shell. Tear tracks will stain your face and no matter what you do you still go unnoticed. That feeling... that's the feeling of fading. I have that feeling, and you put it there. I will remember you. I will remember your life. I will remember your story. I will remember my love for you. I will remember the pain you gave me. I will remember how you forgot. You will read this and won't know who the son of Poseidon was. You won't know the boy who got expelled from every school he went to. You know the boy who saved you. You won't know the boy who loved you. You won't know me, you won't even know who wrote this letter. So, to all those that don't remember, I will never forget you like how you forgot me.
-the one who you forgot.

        Can we take a moment to explain this? This is a suicide note. It's really hard to explain how Percy felt during those rough times for him which is why I will be writing a Prequel to this story (yay!) I know this was short and a let down but I felt this letter deserved a chapter to itself. Just a reminder to everyone out there, Percy went through hell, literally (is Tartarus hell??), he thought about taking his life and almost did. If you are thinking about doing anything possibly like that please, remember that even if you don't know them, they're are people out there for you. You have to trust that things will get better. If you made a mistake, know that people can learn to forgive, be patient. If they don't forgive, that's their fault not yours. There are better people then them out there waiting for you. Now days we have so many places to go if we need help in these situations, so please. If you need someone to talk to, go out there and visit a therapist (I know it's not that easy but still).
          Okay, I understand what everyone means now when they say I get dark. Oh wait, we made our main character almost commit suicide. Maybe I need help? (Joking)
          Three chapters in one day!!! Y'all can clap now (too much???). Warning, online classes are starting soon so I won't be able to update everyday in the future.
          Stay healthy!
        Last update: 26/03/2020

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