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If you want to kill me after this POV, I understand. I'm kind of dying inside after writing that.

Percy's POV,
I stood on the ledge the wind burning my skin as it took my breath away. My heart ached with every second that went by. My feet were frozen and lazily cling to the edge. What did it mater if I fell? I already felt like I was dying, to die would only stop that, wouldn't it? I let a tear slide down my face. A single tear that made my whole world quake. I couldn't breath, I couldn't move. I just sank deeper into the feeling of pain that dropped into me like black ink. I closed my eyes, listening to the cars driving by below me. If I fell who would care? Not my mom, not my best friends, not my girlfriend, not my mentor, not my dad... no one. If I fell the world wouldn't stop. No one would cry. The world simply wouldn't care, the problem was that I still cared and that's why I wanted to fall. I wanted to fall and hit the ground with such force it took the life out of me because I wanted to stop caring. I wanted to leave this world behind and move on. I looked over the edge and felt myself tip forward. The great Percy Jackson, dead. Ha, I knew I would only be the hero for so long. I never wanted attention, I never wanted to be the hero. I just wanted to be with the people I loved. I don't even get that anymore do I? My mom, the one person that stood by me through it all didn't even care anymore. The woman who used to come home from work with a jar of blue jelly beans she hand picked for me, she had turned away from me like I never even existed. My girlfriend I jumped into Tartarus for forgot about me. My best friends I would die for forgot me. Well, now here I am about to die for them, because of them. I took a shaky breath. I wasn't scared as I stepped back getting ready. I bent my knees and pushed off. I jumped and only one thought raced through my mind before I hit the ground. Goodbye, to all those who don't care.

Luke's POV,
I ran up to Annabeth who was sitting alone in the training arena. She didn't notice me and just stared at the ground.

"Hey, have you seen Pe-Omega?" I caught myself before saying Percy's name. Annabeth looked up at me confused. Her storm grey eyes held a little more despair then usual.

"Last time I saw him was a few hours ago, we were trying to figure out the prophecy," she said and looked to the ground. I frowned. A few hours ago? Where was he? Nico said he had something to tell us at diner, I needed to find Percy before then. I looked at Annabeth and sat down next to her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked resting a hand on her leg to comfort her. She looked at me with sad eyes. The colour looked like a brewing storm, one that came right before rain poured from the sky's.

"What if the prophecy is about Omega, not the battle?" I froze. About Percy? How, what did he have to do with people walking into the light or coming out of lies?

"What do you mean?"

"The first line is about him being revealed." She says looking back to the ground. "The third says the great ones fall. What if it about him literally falling, and the line one steps into the light, what if... what if," she couldn't finish. I knew what she meant. I felt something inside me break, no, crumble. My chest felt like it was collapsing on itself and my heart was pounding.

"I-I..." I struggled to find words. "But what about the other lines?"

"What does it mean to fight? That lives means he's given up, stopped fighting. A fire spread, an emotion of grief spreads like wildfire. A healed heart, his heart healed and he let go! The campers are in the field with the dead hero's when it happens. The campers were in the field training. The first line, maybe it's not him being revealed. You, a scarred leader, revealed. The fourth line, we are coming out of the lie he's alright! He never got better! You and I both know what he almost did. What if he-"

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