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Warning this may be the shortest chapter (other than Dragon, that was short). It's all Percy's POV so YAY!

    Percy's POV,
    I woke up in the infirmary. It took a while for my eyes to adjust. Annabeth was holding one of my hands and Luke the other. When Annabeth saw I was awake she practically jumped on top of me. She squeezed me into a hug. My skin was on fire. I wanted to stay like that, her holding me. I shock my head and pulled away. Bad Omega.

    Luke took the opening for it to be his turn. His hug was harsher and filled with worry.

     "Don't ever do that again, you here me." He gripped my shoulders. "You had me scared to death." He went right back to hugging me. Annabeth laughed when I groaned with annoyance. I stared a little too long at her smile and she looked away tucking a price of hair behind her ears. I went bright red. After what seemed to be a solid minute Luke finally released me. He pointed at me accusingly.

     "Never again."

     "I wouldn't want to after that." I scratched my head underneath my hood. "So... what exactly happened? How long have I been out?"

     "After you killed all those monsters we dragged you here." Annabeth stepped forward. "Will said you over exhausted yourself and your body shut down or something to help you gain energy. You've been asleep for a day or so. Don't worry, Alpha hasn't left your side once."

     "What!" I started to panic. "A day or so! That's two battle planning meetings! And if Alpha's been here who's watching the warriors and keeping them in check. I though I saw hunters and- and-"

     "Omega." Luke grabbed my shoulders. "Listen to yourself. You're sound worse then me."

      "Not possible, man"

      "Just take a deep breath." I listened to Luke's advice. After I'd calmed down he started to answer my qeustions.

      "I placed Huntress in charge. It's all okay. The battle planning went smoothly. Yes, you did see hunters. Thalia could feel her tree burning and they came right away. Artemis and Orion had a make out session and Zoë revealed herself. Jason still smells like Minator poop and your awake now, so everything's

      I smiled. I could stop worrying. I looked at Annabeth. Well mostly stop worrying. Luke grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door. Outside hunters were chasing warriors. Someone came up from behind me scaring me.

     "Hey, man." Leo casually lit his pointer finger and started to toss the flame between his hands. "Your up." He clapped me on the back. If it was anyone else I would've cut off their head.

      Piper, Hazel and Frank walked up to us. I innerly smiled. Over the past week they'd grown more comfortable with the army and hung around us almost as much as Leo and Nico. Not quite as much but close.

    "Hi. Do you guys want to come to come to the woods tonight?" Piper spoke. "A couple of campers and us are camping out there tonight, the army is welcome to join us."

     "And Nico he can come too." Hazel butted in. I saw the longing in her face. She was clearly eager to meet Bianca. I looked at Luke. He shrugged. I noticed he wasn't showing any symptom of anxiety. He seemed perfectly normal. Huh.

     "Sounds like fun." I replied happily.
     "That's the cheeriest thing I've heard you say yet." Piper punched me in the arm. "Looks like we're rubbing off on you." 

      The trio walked away and Leo chased after him but not before looking back and shooting fake guns at us with his fingers and winking. I snorted and walked towards the dinner hall. We sat at our normal table, all of us except of Zoë and Orion who were with the hunters. Piper, Frank, Hazel and Annabeth came over and and sat with us. Jason remained grumpily at the table they'd came from.

       The whole supper we joked around and talked. It was the best night ever. I had all my friends. Annabeth kept looking at me weirdly witch was the only problem. I think I just kept staring at her for too long. Scott sat down with Jason for reason. Luke didn't eat any of his food. It was all wasted on his hilarious animal sculptures. My hand felt cold without his. He didn't even reach for it once. I was happy for him but it also made me kind of sad. Did he no longer need me? Would he find better friends now that I was of no use to him? I frowned. Stop stressing over it. You're fine. Look around everyone you love is with you. A little voice in my head spoke. I listened to it.

      The warriors hurried to the tents and collected everything they'd need for a night camping. We met the other campers at the forest edge. The carried tents and chairs. I smiled as we neared. I stood beside Frank who fist bumped me. He never touched me. Everyone was always to scared yet here I was a dozen campers all teaching me their little secret camp handshake.

Hazel led the way followed by Bianca and Nico. They chatted constantly. It was nice to see all three of them together. I looked over at Luke who was chatting with Thalia, he said something funny that made her laugh. I looked over at Annabeth walking alone. I slowed my pace so she could catch up.

"Hey." I tried my best to make conversation. Turns out that's more of her thing. I walked beside her awkwardly staring at the ground.

"So... you hand picked both Zoë and Bianca. Are you secretly a Huntress or something?"

I laughed. "I assure you my gender is male. Zoë and Bianca just happened to catch Chaos's eye and he recommended them to me."

I could tell she knew it was a lie but it was better than having to explain it to her.

"I thought he was your boss not the other way around."

"In the army everyone is equal unless it comes down to business. Chaos gave me advice but when it came down to it the choice was mine."

She nodded and the quiet returned. We reached an opening and set up camp. We had two tents, one for the girls and one for the boys. Zoë started a fire and Hazel brought out some marshmallows. We all sat around the flame while Will went on some rant about burns.

It was nice to have the whole crew, except for Jason who hasn't been the best person lately. After the fire had died out everyone went back to their tents. I laid wide eyed staring at the cloth above me. I tried to sleep but it was useless. I finally got up and went outside. I was surprised to find Annabeth already out there. I sat down next to her on the gras. I gazed at the stars and tried to relaxe the tense feeling I had.

"I broke up with Scott today." She finally said in a monotone voice.

"What? When?"

"Just after you woke up." She shrugged her shoulders. "Not all things work I guess."

I tried to push down the excitement bubbling in my throat. Just because she is now free doesn't mean you can sweep her up suddenly. Annabeth looked at me. Her storm grey eyes grew a tad lighter.

"You knew both Zoë and Bianca and you've clearly been to camp before." She leaned closer and my breath caught. She went for my hood but I quickly moved out of the way. She frowned.

"Please can I see? I want to know what colour your hair is. I want to see your eyes. I got to know your personality but now I want to know you face. I want to know who you." She grabbed my and squeezed. I felt electricity fly through me.

I trusted her. I wanted her to see. I was ready. I pulled down my hood. I let her stare for a few moments before a smile spread across her face.

"Percy," she wrapped her arms around my neck and cupped my face. "I knew it was you."

Joy filled me as she spoke. A thousand emotions filled my head but the strongest was the urge to kiss her as she leaned in a little closer. I had my friends, I had her. It was perfect.

I paused. Too perfect. I pulled away as realization hit me. I glared my eyes at Annabeth. As much as I hated it I only found myself believing it more.


Who figures it out? Anyways... this chapter was basically a waste of time but I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'll try to get another out today but I doubt it.
Last update: 19/02/2020

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