Settling in

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Percy's POV,
I groaned as I rolled out of bed. My eyes dropped and my body felt heavy. The proof of previous tears hung in the heavy feeling in my chest.

I rubbed my red eyes and slipped on my clothes carefully not to step on Luke in the crowded tent. I walked outside to the smell of smoke and burning wood.  I sat down next to Bianca who was tending to a fire.

   She scrunched her nose. "Tough night, hey?"
I grunted in response. I didn't want to be here. Most of us didn't. I guess I'd just have to put on my big boy pants and go with the flow. Too bad that flow is a river leading to a fifty foot water fall.

    "You forgot your hood." Bianca taped my leg with a stick.

   "Crap." I scrambled to my feat. I ripped open the tent flap and snatched my cloak from the chair.

   When I returned both Selena and Ethan has emerged from their tents. After everyone left campfire last night Beckondorf and Orion set up five tents out in the woods past camper prying eyes.

Selena filled the three of us in on the last eat gossip. Apparently word had gotten around about my little stung on Nico. I felt bad for the kid. All that attention, I knew he much rather just hide away.  I felt terrible for what I'd done. Luke could be wrong, maybe next time it will be worse.

   Within the next few minutes everyone was outside wearing their cloaks. We decided it would be best to eat with the campers. We needed them to trust us and hiding away in the woods didn't help that.

   Upon reaching the pavilion we scanned the room for tables.

   "We could try the Hephaestus?" Beckondorf asked. I glanced at their half full table. I was debating it when out of the coroner of my eye I saw a black haired boy sitting alone.

   I strode over and gestured to the seat beside Nico. "Mind if we sit?"

  Nicos eyes lit up. "Of course!"

   I smiled at the excitement laced in his words. I sat right next to him and motioned for the others to follow.  The hades table soon became a sea of black between our cloaks and nicos clothing choices.

    "How come your sitting alone?" I asked.

     "Only Hades child." He shrugged. "This one guy used to let me sit with him, he was a child of Poseidon so he understood what it was like to be alone. He just disappeared a few years back."

     I frowned at the memory. I remember the sadness that stretched across Nicos face and the joy once we started talking. But how did he remember?

    "Son of Poesidion? I thought there weren't any." I questioned. I could feel Luke's eyes trained on my back, his silent warning would do nothing. I needed to know.

     "That's what everyone thinks. I don't know how they could possibly forget about the most awesome guy in the world." He smiled.

    I gave a small grin back. Maybe I could trust Nico. Luke grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I knew it wasn't for me though. We were surrounde by dozens of campers who as far as he knows all hate him.

   I saw Nico glance at our gesture. "Are you guys-?"

   "No." Luke said sternly though he still gripped my fingers. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

    "Honey we can tell him." I teased batting my eyes.  

    "Get off me, Omega." He snarled shoving me off my head rest. Nico laughed at our joke.
The rest of breakfast we chatted and caught up on everything that had happened over the past few years. Orion couldn't stop making Greek nmythology comments. This led to much teasing and laughing. As we got up to leave with the other campers I grabbed Nico by the arm.

     "Hey man, sorry about the other night. It's just hard being here."

     "Oh, don't worry about it. I've done worse."  iasHe gave off alight laugh. I still frowned. Despite him forgiving me, I still had this heavy feeling in my chest. Was it last night or this stupid camp?

     "You should come to cabin leaders meeting. You are the commander." Nico started to walk towards the big house. "Come on! I'll introduce you to everyone."

     I rolled my eyes and followed.  I entered the big house and looked around the room. Chiron was in wheel chair form as he sat with a dozen others campers around a poker table. Everyone was seated leaving one open spot. A leader from every cabin except the Poseidon cabin. Who that seat was next to made me frown.

   "I was hoping you'd show up." Chiron said. "Sit."

    I glanced at the seat. I sighed before heading over and sitting down. I turned my legs to the side to keep from rubbing knees with the blonde next to me. Her hair was wavy and tied up in a pony tail that matched her orange shirt perfectly. A pencil lay snug above her ear. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at her stormy grey eyes. She gave me a small welcoming smile.

It took all my might to keep a straight face. As Chiron began to talk. Most of it was useless to me. I taped my foot on the floor tuning out the world. These meetings have always been boring.  It was the worst part of the day, well unless Clairisse decided I needed a little but whooping. 

   I felt my hand shake as I thought about the past. I felt myself falling again. I sat in this very room at a meeting like this one when it first started. No one listened to my comments. They all just talked over me as the words as said aloud began to feel like thoughts only I could here. It was like gripping a wet ledge. My fingers were slipping and soon I wouldn't be able to hang on.

   "Commander, do you think your army would be up for a game of capture the flag?" Clairisse smiled. Little did she know she just saved me. "Or are you to chicken?"

     I let my lips slowly turn up into a smirk. The room grew quiet and the fear could be smelt. "We've been looking for something interesting."

   "Meet at the fields in an hour." Annabeths voice spoke. I felt a hum in my chest at the familiarness of it. 

     Everybody got up and left the room. I caught Her stormy grey eyes as I left and I swear I saw her smile.

Annabeths POV,
    It was interesting, most of meeting Omega stared at the ground fidgeting.  It was weird how though you couldn't see his eyes but knew the exact expression they were in. They seemed dull and even sad as Chiron words dragged on.

    The commander was an interesting case. Even though everyone was afraid of him he seemed kind and funny. Last nights events and his hood were the only things that made him remotely scary.

     I couldn't stop staring. He was a puzzle I couldn't figure out.  As I left meeting I looked at him one last time. Looking for one more clue. He stared in my direction. His mouth was still upturned in a smirk. It seemed to be his favourite expression. It was kinda cute.

    I smiled. I quickly left after though slightly embarrassed. I made my way to the Athena cabin and sat down at my desk. I had an hour to plan and it would not be wasted. Omega didn't know what was coming.


Sorry for the shortish chapter. I know Annabeths perspective was short and all. This chapter was very uneventful but don't worry the next will have a little more action. Who's excited for capture the flag! Oh and sorry for all the dialogue and spelling. Last update: 10/02/2020

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