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Warning I don't update much. Also just a reminder, I don't own any of these characters. This is a fan fiction.

Jasons POV
   Everything was going just fine until I found someone's foot in my hot dog. My team one a game of capture the flag, I'd managed to hit every target when practicing throwing lightning bolts and I'm pretty sure that Apollo girl was hitting on me. Then these kids show up stepping in peoples food!

I looked up at the disturber. My mouth fell open in shock. A dozen figures all dressed in black cloaks that covered theirs faces stood on top of the table. Theirs hoods cast a a shadow across their lips that sent shivers down my spine. They looked like a gang of executors.

     "Who are you?" Annabeth got to the question before me. Her blonde hair was tied up underneath her Yankees hat and she wore the typical camp half blood t-shirt with white shorts.

     Who were these guys though. How did they get here. Why were they here? Where did they come from? A thousand questions whirled around in my brain.  

     Annabeth stepped forward raising her eyebrow in question. All the other campers just continued to stare in shock.  We'd gone a record five years without disturbance and now suddenly these dudes drop from the sky and land in my fudging hot dog!

    I noticed the one at the front smirk then falter at the question. He was clearly the leader. His cloak had a navy blue trimming while the others were silver. He had no writing on his chest and power seemed to raidiate off of him.

    I sunk back in my seat. His presence sent shivers up my spine. "We are Chaos's army."
His smile returned. " We'll be staying here for a while."

    "On who's orders?" Piper perked up. A twinge a pain tugged at my heart.  It still hurt to look at her after two weeks.

    "On Chaos's. Do we have a problem."
      I glanced at Piper praying she'd be smart. Her rebellious nature would one day be her down fall.

    "You should leave." The charmspeak was heavy in her words. The crowd nodded their heads in agreement, some of the other Aphrodite kids tried to lace the same power as their sisters into their words.

   "Why should we do that." The leader asked. The campers held their breath. He, how- but? How could he resit the charmspeak? Where was this dude from, who was he? 

   "My name is Omega, commander of Choas's army. Show my team respect and you will have ours in return. We are not here to hurt you. We understand what it's like to be hunted." He sighed. "We are here to protect you. I know it's hard to believe but I hope you can trust us. If not that is your choice. Any further qeustions?"

He stood there and spoke with so much calmness and authority it was hard not to compel into his words. This guy, Omega, was trouble, I could tell. I don't care what the other campers thought, he needed to be watched. I'll just have to be the one to do it.


Percy's POV
     I looked around at my former friends the ones that forgot me. Everyone always wants people to move on after they are gone but they moved on before I even left, that was the problem.  I worked so hard to move one from them and I was so close, and now I'm back. All that effort destroyed.

     The auditorium was so silent I could hear distant waves crash against the beach of Long Island.  I turned my head in the direction of the water. A longing to feel the sand beneath my feet pulled at my gut. Soon. We just have to get through the next few minutes and that 5,000 year long craving would be fulfilled.

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