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Chapter name? Help pls. What do I call this chapter. Sorry, also for not adding as much emotion in the past few chapters.
IMPORTANT: For the purpose of this fan fic, ever since Leo died (will be explained) the camp Jupiter kids who were friends with him came and lived at camp half blood to help support they're friends.  Then they just kinda stuck. Sorry there are so many plot holes and too much explaining to do.
   Pipers POV,
     It had been a day since Orion revealed himself. At first the shock had overwhelmed everybody. It wasn't long though before girls were swooning over him. All the Apollo kids wanted archery tips. He was the center of attention. It wasn't hard to forget about the rest of the army. Well, unless you were Jason.

    Since the first day Jason expressed he didn't trust Omega. Soon it had become an obsession. They'd been here three days and already Jason was planning ways to get rid of them. This was why I broke up with him in the first place. I guess all the adventure just covered up it all. I liked him, don't get me wrong, I just... wouldn't date him. 

      Hazel poked my arm. "You okay?"

     "Huh? Oh yay." I rubbed my eyes. "Just thinking."

       She nodded and went back to eating her dinner. Annabeth sat on the other side of me. I kept catching her stare at the Army's table. Across from her Scott was going on about a new prank he was going to pull in the Ares cabin. Something to do with a piñata.

      It was always more fun when the six of us were all together. Scott was more of a tag along but he made some pretty hilarious comments. It reminded me of Leo.

      I frowned. He died a while ago. His absence
still left a hole that teared people apart from the inside out. He died a hero . Why gods did he have to be the one to throw himself in front of that knife on that quest?

     I felt bad for Annabeth. First Luke dies when Thalia defeated Kronos then Leo dies protecting her. The sad part is that Luke's sacrifice will go to waste once Kronos rises again. He was only temporarily defeated and the prophecy has yet to fulfill.

     I looked at Annabeth, she was smiling.  Alpha from the warriors table was putting food on his face to make him look like some kind of monster. He looked at Annabeth and his face fell. Huntress punched him in the arm. The whole table was looking at us now.

     "Hey," Scott said awkwardly. The silence was growing with the uncomfortable feeling each group was giving off.

     "Wanna join us?" Nico offered. Jason was about to disagree when Hazel leapt to her feet. She dragged Frank over and sat next to Nico.

     "Thanks little bro." She ruffled his hair. He actually smiled. The rest of our group followed.

      Omega grunted. He seemed gloomier than usual. He picked at his food but didn't eat it. Nico kept staring at him like he was some kind of miracle. To many odd out of place things for one meal.

      The rest of dinner went by smoothly. Turns out the warriors are actually a lot of fun. I retired to my cabin afterward.

     It's been concluded that one of the warriors is Orion but who were the rest? Were they all beings from thousands of years ago?

     I felt a gust of wind brush my face. I feel to my knees as a sudden power overtook me. It's hard to explain. It all happened so fast.

I am coming.  A deep voice echoed inside my head. A new host will serve me and the world will fear me. I will not fail this time. Warn you friends. Tell them I'm coming, tell them Kronos is coming.
Percy's POV,
     I was mightily annoyed when the campers joined our little table. A) I had to put back on the act that I was a gloomy leader (partially true) and not joke around, and b) I couldn't ignore Annabeth. Since she called me 'Seaweed brain' I've been avoiding her. I didn't want to get caught up in that whirlwind of emotions only to come out the same depressed person as last time.

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