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   What do y'all think about Scott? He's chill right? Anyways, this chapter, loads of percabeth for all y'all shippers. More horrible grammar and spelling. Oh yes and bacon. Bacon shall appear. Hope you enjoy!

Annabeths POV,
     I headed towards the beach after the games were over. When Scott and I heard about the wave and feathers we couldn't stop laughing. At first I didn't even think about it but now, walking towards the shore I've come to a thought. How could a wave that big possibly surface? Only Posiedon himself could of caused such a thing yet Omega could do so with the snap of his fingers.

I sat down on the sand letting out a much needed sigh. Why was he the source of all my qeustions? What was it about him that made him so intresting. Was it the power that practically flowed off of him. Was it his reluctance to do anything that didn't have to do with being a total mysterious creep? His sulking and sadness that spread and changed the mood of entire crowds? His secret humour, the mischievous smirk? Why did he have to drive me crazy?

I run my fingers through my hair frustrated. He was an enigma. An unsolvable, confusing enigma. I dipped my toes in the water. It licked at my heels as sea breeze brushed against my neck. The lakes shape wasn't as appealing as it used to be. It was a murky brown and black. It was deserted of creatures like fish and the sorts. The edge of the sand was a gooey black. Garbage floated absently around with the gloomy currents.

It was still nice to come out here once in a while. Something about it washed away every feeling but happiness. Scott calls it my lake of emotional cleaning. The goof.

We'd only been together for two years. For three years before we were just friends. We went on quests together and spent most of our time together. We had cute nicknames and everything. At first everyone assumes he's just a mischievous jerk but he's actually really sweet. One time he ran all the way to New York and back just to get Hazel her school binder.

I smiled at the memory just before I was forced face first into the water in front of me. I yelped as someone ran into me. They quickly stumbled off of me.

"S-sorry." They said. I could hear the sob in their voice.

"It's okay, just next time-" I looked up at the disturber wiping the water out of my eyes. A dark cloak draped over their slim but buff figure. The hood hung down so low it covered their eyes. They looked just like everyone else in the army except for their identifying blue trimming. "Omega."

He tried to smile. It wasn't hard to tell it was forced. "Here let me help." His hands shock as he pulled out a black cloth and handed it to me to wipe my face off with.

"Better?" I asked.

"You got a little," he plucked some sand out of my hair. "Something there." His voice quivered. He looked on the verge of tears. His breaths were shaky and his emotion hung in the air.

"You okay?" I asked concerned. "Shouldn't you be celebrating your victory?" I asked adding a light laugh.

I watched as he sat down a good six feet away from me. His hands figured with the sand, lifting it in the air then pouring it out of his hand crating a pile.

"Maybe." He said all monotone again. "I just like it out here. It's so..."

"Relaxing?" I offered. "So you have been here before?"

"Sorry?" He remained looking straight ahead at the horizon. It made it incredibly difficult to have a conversation with him.

"Well first your army knew the rules of the game and just now you referred to the lake as if you've been here before. You're tense around campers and are always angry or sad as if this place has too many memories." I tried to explain all the information I'd gathered about him. That was really all I knew and half the stuff was just guesses.

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