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       Annabeth's POV,
        Every time I reached for Scott hand he flinched. He'd been acting strange all week. He kept disappearing at random moments, he never payed attention, like he was was having an argument with himself or something. He looked as gloomy as Omega. Speaking of the commander he seemed more joyful. He was more trusting even, laughing freely and cracking the most hilarious jokes. He still was a depressing person and had his moments where he seemed to be falling apart but he smiled a lot more. It was like the two switched personality's.

        I looked at Omega who was laughing, nearly rolling on the ground with the rest of the warriors. His joy was still unsettling. Today Will decided to join their table. He was moving his hands fairly to go along with the story he was telling. It surprised me it had only been this morning they were laughing at him and Nico. Training in between made the day feel like several.  Chiron has forced me to help Leo teach mechanics. Correction, babysit the son of Hephaestus.

        I looked around for Scott. I swore he was just here. I was about to get up and try to find him when a hand touched my shoulder. I froze. I didn't relax when I saw it was Alpha. He sat down next to me. I hadn't realized I was sitting alone until he joined me.

"What are you doing." I raised an eyebrow.
"I could ask the same about you." Alpha poked my arm. I shifted in my seat. I had defiantly grown closer to Alpha but something familiar about him made me feel like I needed to deal with him cautiously. I began to wonder who he was. Did I know him?

"Thinking. You?" I answered vaguely. Alpha shrugged his shoulder and snatched a fry I had been eating.

"Following the orders of Omega to make sure you weren't alone or upset" He said it calmly as if he didn't know the thousands of thoughts that smashed into me. I glanced across the room at Omega. When he noticed my gaze he quickly looked away guilty. "I don't know if you are aware of this but you've become on of his only friends. The only one who's not afraid of him."

Alpha bit another fry. He rested his head on his hand and stared at me. "You look like I just told you that you won a million dollars." I felt heat rush to my cheeks as embarrassment filled me. I felt lost at words and all I could get out was a strangled "uhh. W-what?"

He burst out laughing. He shook his head and got up walking back to Omega. I saw him whisper in his ear. I watched closely waiting to see any kind of hint at what the commander was thinking. He showed no expression as he went back to talking with Leo. Why even as he became more open with the campers he was still impossible to read. It was like he took his old self and threw it away far from his reach so no one would ever know who he was.

        I spent the rest of dinner alone at my table. My mind constantly wondered to Scott and if he was okay. The Hermes cabin claimed to know nothing of his whereabouts. I got up and ventured off. My feet moved with a mind of their own, taking me to an unknown location as I thought about where my boyfriend could be. I came to a stop at Thalia's tree. Weird how my feet took me here after all this time.

      I leaned against the wood releasing a sigh. I tried to conjure up a memory as I looked at the fleece. Like always it was blurry and unclear. I was uncertain of why but all of my recollection from before five years ago were like that.

      I looked off into the distance. My heart stopped. There they were, hundreds of them. Triple as many as last time. I've never ran as fast as I did to the big house. My heart was pounding so hard it threatened to fall out of my chest. I kept moving my feet faster and faster. I had to warn them.

        Luke's POV,
         "Listen, we can either sacrifice the labyrinth entrance or the lake shore. Giving up the entrance would be the best option." I said, my hand pointing to the two places on the map. I was getting tired of battle planning. Sometimes the campers could be so stupid. I was raised in battle, born to fight, you'd think they'd trust my opinions.

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