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Percy's POV,
I stared at the three buff men in front of me. The one in the centre had electric blue eyes and grey frizzy hair and beard. To his left was one dressed in all black except for his camo jeans and rocked a shaved down goatee. He had a crocked smile and slicked back night black hair. To the right was a guy completely different. They had sea green eyes and a weak posture. They wore an ugly grey-blue shirt with black joggers. The roots of his charcoal hair messy hair we're turning grey. He looked like he once might have been handsome before he fell into what ever state this was.

"Take of your hoods, your in the presence of gods." The middle one proclaimed.

"Zeus, man." I groaned at Luke's response. "It would be appreciated if you respected our privacy here."

I snapped into professional mode. It was hard when I still had a sunken feeling dwelling in the air. Hades must of noticed it for he peered suspiciously at me. Poseidon seemed oblivious to it due to his own depression. It hurt my soul, no matter how mad I was he forgot me, it hurt to see him like this. He was a wreck. It really made me wonder what happened. Ohhh, that's what people mean when they describe how they first meet me. Damn, if I looked that bad... not even going to go there.

"Sirs, if you don't mind my asking what are you doing here?" I dragged out my words trying to drown out the quiver that still rested in my voice from talking to Luke. Staring at Poseidon... too many bad memories. I grabbed my hand to keep it from shaking. Not now.

"We sensed your presence here for a while and when we were told of Kronos's return, we got suspicious." Zeus perked up. Hades glared at Luke and I as if it would help him see past our hoods.

"Many of my dead have gone missing. I can't recall their identity's I just know their missing. A hundred in the past two weeks. When y'all showed up." Hades seemed furious about his kerfuffle. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you?"

I was falling into a hole staring at my Dad. I wasn't paying attention. Thank god Luke answered.

"Actually, that's our fault." He held his hands up all innocently. "Chaos needs warriors for his army, we, sadly, aren't enough for what's coming. Your dead are the perfect candidates. In fact, I used to dwell amongst the underworld until the creator revived me a few years back."

"Curse him." The lord of the underworld muttered.

"You know I'm sure if I asked, Chaos would willingly come here and whip your butt for saying that." Luke threatened. He always mentioned how he wanted to back talk the god of death.

"I remember Chaos." Poseidon spoke and his voice broke my heart. It was raspy and worn out as if he'd cried parts of it away. He had a sad desperate look in his eyes that clawed it's way through me. I had been trying to avoid eye contact but at the moment he looked directly at my face as if he could see through the hood.

"He was a great guy, always making jokes. I doubt he'd fight someone for such a silly reason. He often reminded me of a five year old."

"He reminds us all of a five year old. I think he likes the idea of being that young after trillions of years." I responded to my father letting a smile creep up my lips for some reason. Maybe to reassure him that everything was going to be okay or just because he was actually here, talking to me, even if he didn't know it.

"Oh so you do have a voice? Hades said with much sarcasm. I glared and saw him flinch ever so slightly. It was weird having that effect on people. It didn't feel powerful, it felt... sad and unwanted, just plain feared. How was it that people chased that feeling? It horrified me. It shook my bones and made me disappointed in myself. It was a feeling that no mater how hard I tried to shake it, it always came back. Haunting my dreams and thoughts. It's grown so much it scared the god of death.

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