Capture the flag

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Warning this chapter is kinda meh. It has some Percabeth drama and goes more into Luke's feelings along with the seven. It's also really fast paced. Shout out to arie4976! Thanks for the spelling tips and comments!

Luke's POV,
   Percy's eyes were wild as he walked up to the tent. He had that look again. The one that always led to something bad.

"Please tell me you didn't just do something stupid." I pleaded as I walked towards him.
He simply grinned. "We are going to play a game of capture the flag." He rubbed his hands together.

I returned the smile. These campers don't know what they're asking for.

After the hour had past the army had came up with a brilliant plan and got some training in. Of course we had to explain the rules to Orion and Sparky but we were so going to beat the campers.

Annabeth stood at the fields holding the flag. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and led marked her arms and a bit of her forehead like she'd been planning. It pained me to see her. What would she think of me now? Had she and Thalia forgiven me or was I still a traitor. Had any of them forgiven me? Why would they. The little voice in my head answered.

I shook my head. Percy told you to stop focusing on the negatives. Get real.

"Welcome warriors." Annabeth spoke. Her voice had such confidence it was hard not to laugh. "I presume you have learned the rules?"

"Yay, that was years ago. Let's get playing." Bianca crosses her arms clearly annoyed. Her expression changed to one of amusement as the crowd slowly grew looks of confusion, some even fear.

"So you've played before." A boy next to Annabeth said. He had dirty blonde hair that stuck straight up. His eyes were soft brown like trees. A knife hung at his side. His brown army pants were held up by a snake skin belt. His whole appearance read Hermes child.

"We'll let you determine that." Forge snarled.

"Right." Annabeth tossed the red flag to me. "Scott and I will lead our group to our side to hide the flags. You shall do the same with yours. When you hear the horn the game begins." She gestured to the Hermes kid at the mention of Scott.

She walked away but not before glancing back again. I saw her scan the crowd before frowning. She continued on after, her shoulders slightly hunched.

I turned around looking at my group. "If Jackson was here he'd say to go easy on them. Y'all know the plan." I handed the flag off to Ethan before waiting a few moments. "Well, get to it."

The army scrambled on their feet running in all different directions. I hope Percy has done his part successfully. Ha, they didn't have a chance against us. I mean, come on. We're the best players in the history of the entire camp.

Percy's POV,
I darted around Zeus's fist panting. My little trap had been set up to perfection. I waited in a tree waiting for Luke to regroup.

I heard the horn blow in the distance and smiled. The games were the only thing that didn't bring back painful memory's.

I heard leaves rustle with the pound of footsteps. I snapped my attention towards the ground below me. I saw a boy with blonde hair and brown eyes dragging a girl with blonde hair and fair skin.

"Scott, their not stupid enough to hide the flag here." Annabeth half laughed.

"Look, your right they aren't dumb." Who I presumed was Scott grabbed both her hands. "That's why they'd hide the flag the one place we wouldn't look. Okay Smartie?"

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