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Holy Hephaestus! 7.5k views! I thought this would get maybe 10. You guys comments are hilarious by the way. I try to get back to most of them but sometimes I forget. Thanks to those I haven't said it to!

Percy's POV,
The whole room was silent. It wasn't like when the others were revealed. No, this wasn't silence from shock. This was the type of silence that was held by the incapability to decide what to do next. The was the absence of sound that showed everyone's thoughts all as one. Looking at Luke I knew he thought they were thinking what to do with the traitor. Looking at the campers I knew they were thinking how sorry they were for giving up on him. I knew they all wanted to run and hug him but felt he wouldn't want their apologies. I was silent for a different reason. I was fuming with anger and protectiveness I remained voiceless for I didn't know what to do with that many emotions. Pity, rage, jealousy, protectiveness, confusion, loss, joy. I didn't know what to do so I didn't do anything except watch the scene unravel in front of me.

In the silence Annabeth was the only one smiling while the rest kept their heads low. A member of the Hermes cabin was the first to step forward. He was the only one who had the guts to break the unsworn oath of silence. He walked up to Luke and looked him up and down as if determining weather or not it was really him. Then out of nowhere he pulled Luke into a hug surprising him.

"Welcome home brother," he said patting the fellow son of Hermes on the back. Soon the entire Hermes cabin was tackling Luke into a group hug. Other campers joined until every camper was in a circle hugging the person in front of them with Luke at the very heart of it. He laughed and it broke my heart. He spent this whole fine fearing how they'd react, that they still found him a traitor despite me telling him otherwise. It broke my heart because I knew he has moved on from that part of life. He'd finally forgiven himself. It made me happy... but at the same time like a piece of me was being ripped away. The piece Luke have to me.

I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets and walked away. He deserved to spend the rest of the time with his family and friends. I knew it was wrong of me to think this but I couldn't help but feel like now that he had his family back he wouldn't need me. I felt oddly like a parent letting their child grow up, watching as they learn and grow until they're not needed anymore. That's how they know they've done a good job. Does the same apply for friends? When one friend moves on is it a good or bad thing?

I looked up about fifty feet away from the pavilion to find a blonde haired boy standing there. His fists were clenched in frustration and though his back was turned to me I knew exactly who he was. Anger swelled inside of me. I marched towards him fuming. I grabbed Jason by the collar and pushed him. He landed on his back staring up at me in horror.

"What did I say!" I screamed. I moved towards the son of Jupiter and he crawled backward trying to get away from me. "What did I say when Athena last time you messed with my warriors!"

Jason visibly gulped. "T-to never mess with them again?" He stuttered still backing away in fear. I stepped forward just as he got up. His back was up against a tree, trapped as I moved towards him.

"And What did you do?" I grabbed his collar and his face paled. "You went ahead and pulled the hoods off two of my warriors! You invaded their space and privacy. You took away the one thing they could control!"

I threw him to the ground. I ran my fingers through my hair taking a deep breath. I needed to calm down. This isn't like me. I could still protect and stay loyal to my friends but I had to do it without killing this disgrace.

"Do you know what it's like to die?" I looked Jason in the eye speaking more calmly now. He shook his head. "Neither do I. Do you know who does? Those people back there. They died, they felt pain. They've spent the past couple thousand Chaos years trying to forgive themselves. They feel guilty everyday for what they did and are trying to prove to the world that they can be better. But that wasn't enough for you? You had to make them feel like none of it mattered? That in the end they're just the traitors. They work so hard, they cry, the fight, they bleed just so people can forgive them but in the end there is always someone like you who will break them down again. The worst part is you will wake up tomorrow and just live with fact that you were that person and it's intolerable." I just shook my head. I turned around and started to walk away. I was done with this guy. He was nice before, something happened to him. Something changed him and now, I don't know how'll he'll make up for what he's done.

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