One step

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Okay, oof. We had some disorganization last chapter. It okay though. Reveals are promised, I promise there will be reveals.

Shade/Bianca's POV,
"So who wants to tell the world they are alive?" Omegas voice held fake excitement. "We can't have Jason storming around like this. Plus he has a point. We need the campers to trust us and a good first step is them knowing someone they trust and know is trusts us. So Sparks, your out bud. Alpha, Pirate, Beauty, sorry but..." Percy referred to everyone in code as we sat with Nico during dinner.

"Yay, we know. Some of them still don't trust us." Beauty said with sadness heavy in her voice.

"Don't get me wrong, you can still reveal yourself just someone else has to too then." Percy tried to make his friend feel better.

"Omega," I put my hand on his arm, telling him it was okay. He took a deep breath and stepped out of this world for a moment. As he relaxed the whole mood of the table changed. It was weird how he had that effect on people.

"Right, so who wants the position?" He said jumping right back like he was perfectly fine. Everyone knew this place was taking a bigger toll on him then any of us. He only ever talks to Luke about that stuff but the rest of us still understood he needed space and was hurting.

"How 'bout you? They trust you." Zoe offered. I saw both my little brother and Luke wince. Percy's face went dark and sad. The eyes I saw under his hood lost all their light and life. A memory or a few bubbling under that messy head of black hair he had. It dissapeared as quickly as it came. The whole table was tense.

"Best not. My reveal would do nothing for us." He moved on but I could tell Zoe had made a scar. Her face held guilt and regret for her words.

"I can, though I'd prefer to wait till the hunters come in a few days. One person won't be enough after a while." Zoe said.

Omega nodded. "I respect your decision. Anyone else." He looked at Forge and I. "Please guys."

I looked across the table at Nico. His dark features that matched mine. I tried to imagine how he'd look if I hadn't of died. Would he still be this dark person. Does he remember me? Was the real question swirling around in my mind. After all these years would he remember? Only one way to find out.

"I'll do it." I confidently spoke. "Only if you promise to continue training with me." I turned to the son of Hades.

"Your one of the best trainers I've ever had." He said. "Of course I'll keep training with you, Shade."

"This is really brave of you." Alpha complemented me as I grinned from ear to ear.

"I was planning on telling some of them anyways." I looked at Nico. "Okay, I'm ready."

Beckondorf nodded. He whistled so loud I bet the people in downtown Manhattan could hear it. Everyone's attention snapped to me as I stood up.

"I know this is like the fourth time this week we've interrupted dinner but I thought it would be best if everyone heard this." I sighed. I had to clutch my hands to keep them from shaking. I liked the shadows better. "So, I went here for a little bit before I died. Omega picked me to be one of Choas's warriors a while ago and I was brought back to life. I came here with my little brother. I have been waiting this whole visit to tell him I'm here and alive. I don't know if he remembers me but I have missed him everyday since I left. I'm so sorry I left and I hope you can forgive me. I just gonna say it." I reached for my hood and pulled it down. "My names Bianca Di'angelo and if your my brother can you pl-" I didn't get to finish before I was bear tackled to the ground. Nico was hugging me so hard I couldn't breath. His tears wet my shoulder and I could my own started to well in my eyes. I heard one of the campers whistle followed by clapping and cheering but I didn't care. I had my little brother, the one who got perfectly in my arms, had the shyest smile and loved his mythology card games. The one who I loved more than anything in the entire world.

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