I have no clue what to call this

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        My writing had been so bad lately, sorry guys!
       Pray that Cadmus (Greek god if writing) gives me strength in the upcoming chapters!

       Percy's POV,
        In all honesty I'd been avoiding Annabeth since she yelled at me for pranking everyone. She was scary when she wanted to be and right now she was scary at sh!t

I grabbed Luke's hand and we back up in to a corner. "Annabeth, calm down."

She approached us and I was so glad I wasn't the one who she found out. Gods, if she remembered me and found out... I think we'd have to make a second trip to Tartarus. That was before she started dating Scott, before anyone forgot about me...

I was brought out of my thoughts by a steering pain right where Luke had hit me. Annabeth had slapped me and then Luke.

"Why'd I get hit!" I whined.

"Because while I was crying over Scott and how both him and Luke left you didn't even bother to tell me he was right here!"

Yup, she was pissed. She turned he attention to Luke who looked like he didn't even register the pain. He was just staring off into space with a petrified expression.

"And you... you," She stopped mid sentence and pulled him in a hug. It took Luke a moment to react before hugging her back.

"Wow, two hugs from two of your former crushes in one day? Your one a role Lukey," I snickered only to earn a kick in the shin from Annabeth. They pulled out of their hug and Luke stuck his tongue out at me.

"Your just jealous." My whole face went pink. Screw him. Annabeth crossed her arms.

"I don't get it, how are you alive?"

I raised an eyebrow. "How are any of the warriors alive? We are the dead heroes after all."

Annabeth looked at me quizzically and I smirked. Her eyes were the type of grey you'd find in a settling storm. Calm but intimidating. Wise and fearless. She looked at me in a way the showed suspicion. I knew she was wondering who I was if Alpha was Luke. I felt trapped in her gaze before Luke spoke reminding me she was about to kill us.

"So... are you mad?"

"Not really. I'm mostly just happy you're alive." She wrapped her arms around Luke's neck. My face heated up as I stared at her joyous expression when she was was tucked in his arms. She used to have a crush on him, what's stopping her from now? Stop it. Was I... Jealous? No... maybe? Stop.

Annabeth pulled away but her crazy grin remained. Her stupid, adorable grin. Stop it, Percy. You don't like her. You said you were over this. Ha, keep kidding yourself! Shut up! I mentally screamed at myself.

       Luke was looking at me weirdly.
Correction, knowingly. He wiggled his eyebrows and pointed in Annabeths direction. I glared at him allowing him to see through my hood for a moment.

       "Can I tell anyone?" Annabeth interrupted our silent debate clearly oblivious.


       "Okay." She started to leave but stopped at the door. "Oh and Luke, if your worried they'll hate you just remember we forgave you the day you sacrificed yourself. You're not a traitor, your hood only keeps us away."

       She left and I noticed Luke's pale face. I was very tempted to shout I told you so but he was already having a rough day as it is. I innerly groaned remembering we still had to do battle planning even though Annabeth wouldn't be here.

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