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Everyone is anticipating Drew's return. They want to see how much his injuries have affected his game and truthfully, I want to see too. He won't talk about it.

The game starts off intense and Drew is all over the place. He's babying his injury because he's afraid, and it shows. All of his moves are safe and even his jump shot is subdued. He's missing shots all over the place.

Coach Penman pulls him out of the game and Drew throws the biggest tantrum I've ever seen on the sideline. His dad is screaming at him, but he's completely blocked everyone out. He's not listening.

I'm pretty sure he's not going to want to see my face, but I approach him mid tantrum anyway and take a chair he's about to throw out of his hands. "You're blowing it hoop star," I grab him by the chin and force him to look at me. "This isn't you. You don't blow games. You win them."

"You really don't want to be talking to me right now." Drew glares at me.

I expected this reaction from him, but I also know him. He puts up this big front like he's invincible and he doesn't care, but he does. "If you're going to be mad at me, then be mad at me, but get your head together Drew or you can kiss the NBA goodbye."

"How do you expect me to do that? My shoulder is messed up, Sidney. Every time I try to go up for a jump shot pain shoots down my arm."

"You've been fine during practice all these weeks. Not once have you complained of having any kind of pain, and you were just about to chuck that chair across the room like it's nothing. Do you know what I think? I think you're afraid to try because if you try and you fail it will confirm what you already believe... that you're no longer capable. Well, I say to hell with that. Go out there and show the world who Andrew Taylor is. That nothing in this world can keep you down and no matter what life throws at you, you will always rise to the top."

Drew's expression softens and he nods his head. "You're right," He sighs closing his eyes. "I swear you know me better than I know myself sometimes. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. Go out there and do what you do best. Win."

Drew picks up all of the stuff he tossed around and walks over to his coach while I head back to my seat. The look in his eyes when coach Penman puts him back in is one that I've seen before.


This time his head is in the right place and we have ourselves a ball game. There's no more babying his right shoulder or playing it safe. He gets out there and turns into a beast on the court. While I'm watching him devour the opposing team, I notice his dad walking towards me, and instantly I'm nervous.

"Can we talk?" He asks, stopping in front of me to purposely block my view of the game.

I nod and follow him out into the hallway where he looks for the right words to say whatever he has to say.

"Drew and I are not together. If that's what this is about." I blurt out nervously.

"What did you say to him?" He asks.

Shrugging I reply, "I just told him to get it together. He was playing it safe and making excuses. I told him to stop."

"And he listened to you," he says more to himself than me. "He doesn't listen to me."

"He does listen to you. He just... you have to give him time to process before approaching him."

His dad nods his head. "I appreciate you wanting to help him and I'm grateful for the help, but Sidney I really need you to stay away from my son. He thinks he's in love with you and he wants to marry you, but you almost killed him. If you truly love Drew, then you need to let him go before what's left of his future is chucked down the drain."

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