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I wasn't sure how things would go after my talk with Drew that day. I cried. I poured my heart out, and we both made promises it sounded like we would try to keep, but I wasn't sure. Well, until Drew broke things off with Kimberly who launched into a smear campaign of me online.

It turns out Drew's dad didn't return home either. He and Drew's mom both hired lawyers to aid them in the divorce process, and Drew's worst fears were coming true. His parents were getting a divorce.

Surprisingly, Drew's dad offered his mom the house, the kids, some assets and enough monthly child and spousal support that she promptly agreed not to contest the divorce. Things were moving pretty fast in that area.

It did nothing to make the pain of Drew's family falling apart go away for him, but in an odd way, it brought him and I closer together. I finally got my chance to attend the first school dance with him now that his dad isn't around to come between us.

In fact, Drew has opened himself up to me in more ways than I ever thought possible. Without his dad breathing down his neck, he's more affectionate, he wants to spend every waking moment with me, and when he's not showering me with love and affection, he's showering me with gifts. Gifts I didn't ask for, nor do I need, but this is who he is. I tried telling him to cool it on the gifts, but he wouldn't hear of it. So, now I accept them. An entire wall in my room is dedicated to all of the crap he's bought me.

If this is anything like what Kim or any of his previous girlfriends have experienced with him, it's no wonder they had a hard time letting him go. I have seven or eight new pairs of Jordans I haven't asked for, perfume, jewelry, and several stuffed teddy bears of various sizes and colors. He's spoiling me so much that he has Grams and our friends wondering what spell I've put on him.

"School spirit week is coming up and you know what that means, don't you?" Chloe asks, grinning from ear to ear.

Patrice and I both look at one another. The answer hits us both at the same time. "The Annual Consumnes Senior Scavenger Hunt!" We squeal.

"Not only does the winning team get bragging rights, but they also get laptops for college, not that you need a laptop on account of you having a rich daddy and all." Patrice chimes in. I just roll my eyes. That's all anyone wants to talk about nowadays.

"This year we can have teams of six too. So, I figured it could be Patrice, Scott, you, Drew, Q and me." Chloe suggests.

Drew's too busy kissing and sucking on my neck to reply. So, I agree for him and a plan is set in motion. Senior Scavenger Hunt is one of the most anticipated activities of senior year, next to prom and homecoming. It pits senior against senior in a winner takes all battle of brawn, wits, and stamina. We've been gearing up for this ever since our sophomore year.

We're ready...

"The signup sheet is right outside the principal's office. I figured you or Drew could sign us up since everyone in the front office loves you guys." She adds.

Drew actually pulls away from my neck to look at Chloe like she's crazy. "You brought it up, you do it."

"I would but it's fifty bucks a person to sign up and that's my allowance for the entire month." She cleverly leaves that part out.

All eyes fell on me. "What?" I frown.

"What do you say miss black card? Can you front the money?" Patrice asks.

Why does she all of a sudden think I'm Bank of America...?

"Okay, I'm not using my card for that. It's supposed to be used for emergencies only." I wave her off.

Books, Boys, and Basketball: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now