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Drew talks to his mom, who tries talking his dad about allowing Drew more access to his money. When that doesn't happen, she confides in Drew that his inheritance isn't the only source of money at his disposal. She's been saving money for him too, outside of the money his dad controls.

All of the jobs Drew has done for his dad's friends and other local businesses throughout his sophomore and Junior years, have left him with a nice sum of money. She turns over access to that money to Drew, much to his dad's disapproval, and the first thing Drew does is talk his grandma Bert into co-signing for a place for him and Scott. Since Drew is the apple of her eye, she does what she always does and gives him whatever he wants. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about him having a place of his own for girls to come in and out of, even though he claims I'm his one and only.

True to Drew's nature, his first plan of action once he gets his own place is to have a housewarming party. Unfortunately, everyone is invited, including Kim and her friends.

As if I need these thirsty thots knowing where he lives...

Kim's still not over Drew. She's been calling him and texting him non-stop, which has increased lately. I've seen the messages of her begging to come see him and him letting her know that he's trying to be faithful. She still hasn't let up though.

Patrice, Chloe, and I are filling the food tables with the food Drew's mom bought for his housewarming party. Meanwhile Drew, Scott, and some of their friends are trying to setup furniture.

Their place is nice and its within walking distance of both school and Drew's mom's house. It's a three-bedroom, three-bathroom house even though it's just the two of them. I don't know why Drew's mom, or his grandma thinks this is a good idea, except Drew is good at charming people into giving him whatever he wants.

However, those of us who see a side of him his Grams and his mom doesn't, knows an unchecked Drew is just asking for trouble. Add Scott into the mix and it only gets worse from there. Neither of them has any sense.

"You almost done?" Drew slides his hands over my abs and pulls me back into him.

"Almost," I blush as his lips find their way to my neck. Keeping him sated is a full-time job. His libido is crazy active.

"Well, when you're done, I want to talk to you about something."


My mind races wondering what he could possibly want to talk about. I keep going over the past weeks in my mind wondering if there's anything I did wrong, but I'm coming up empty.

"What are we going to do about the Senior Scavenger Hunt contest?" Chloe asks. "Like, we need a plan and I figured the guys could handle the jock stuff, while Sidney and I handle the smart stuff."

"What are you trying to say?" Drew takes offense.

"Nothing, I'm just not physical. So, I would rather focus on the book-wormy stuff. That's all, Drew. I'm not calling you stupid."

Eyeballing her skeptically he says, "Mm-hm."

Chloe genuinely looks sad that she may have offended Drew, but I know he's just messing around with her and I tell her as much to put her at ease.

"Did Drew ever tell you about us?" Chloe asks.

Brows raised she now has my full attention. "No. What about you and Drew?"

"It was before I realized you were back in Sac and you came back from Candor. We... he and I..."

"You slept with him." I realize. I'm starting to wonder if there's any of my friends Drew hasn't slept with at this point.

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