Chapter 9: Fight or Mercy

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Devin slowly began to wake up, feeling Desti wrapping herself tighter around him. This small symbol of affection made him a little ready for the day. He was happy that he got to show Desti how he felt, courtesy of Y/n. He wanted to thank you, but at the same time punch you. Maybe he could thank you with a punch. He carefully wormed his way out of Desti's grip so he can go use the bathroom and get ready. Once he came out in his usual attire he noticed Desti woke up.

Devin: Morning.

Desti: Hey. What are you doing?

Devin: I'm going back to that Orphanage again with Peach today.

Desti instantly shot up.

Desti: Are you sure you want to do that?

Devin: Yeah. I... just got some things I need to take care of.

She heard the dark tone in your voice. Looking into his blood red eyes, she saw a look that she never saw. A sadistic need for vengeance. She knows his past now, she understands why he wants to do this. After all, its because of these people he killed himself, and got whatever left of his Soul trapped in the Underground. Alone, and scared for so long all because he was abused.

Desti: Devin... Please listen to what I have to say. I'm not going to try and stop you from going today. This place caused so much trauma for you, and from what I've seen, you have bad nightmares of that place, correct?

He only nodded.

Desti: So I know you have to do this. And I will support you in whatever you choose to do. But don't do anything you will regret. Promise me.

Devin: I promise.

Desti: Good. Now, come here.

She grabbed his hand and spun him around, throwing him on the bed again. She then crawled up and kissed Devin before nuzzling herself into his neck.

Desti: You've got time before going to that place. Stay here with me for a while.

So for the next hour, Devin and Desti laid together enjoying each others company. Their little kissing session was interrupted when Peach knocked on the door, asking if he was ready. After giving confirmation, Devin gave Desti one last kiss before heading out. Once he got downstairs, he saw the familiar pure white hair of his former vessel now friend/brother holding his Inkling girlfriend watching TV.

Y/n: Finally up aren't you?

Devin: I was a bit...preoccupied.

You got up, telling Meggy you'll be right back. You grabbed Devin by the shoulder and gently led him to the next room.

Y/n: So I heard that you were heading to the Orphanage.

Devin: Yeah. I am. Desti already gave me the speech about doing the right thing.

Y/n: Well, all I gotta say is do whatever you need to do. But if you you do decide know... Give Lady Helga my regards.

Devin: Wow. I thought you would be the last person to accept me killing someone.

Y/n: Yeah well... Even I have my limits. I lived there too you know. I know how the abuse there is.

Devin: Right. Well, I'll see you later.

You wave Devin off and return to Meggy on the couch. Devin then goes outside to see Peach waiting at a pink limo.

Peach: There you are! Come now, let's go and take care of this problem.

Devin climbed into the back while Peach and a toad servant got in the front of the car. This gave Devin a chance to pull out his knife. He began turning it around in his hand. Two sides of him were fighting over each other. Continue down the road Desti helped him pave, or let vengeance get the better of him for a small sense of satisfaction. 

Peach: Alright, we're here.

Before the door opened, Devin managed to conceal his knife once more.

Peach: Are you ready Devin?

Devin: Ready as I'll ever be.

He exited the car and looked at the building in front of him. The name of the building, Lady Helga's Orphanage, gave him anxiety. The memories coming back like a flood. Even his brand on his shoulder felt like it was burning again. Swallowing this fear, he entered the doors with Peach.

After Peach introduced herself, the front desk worker quickly bowed. After filling out some paperwork, Devin and Peach were allowed to see the kids. Indeed, the abuse was still going on. All the kids were malnourished, even though this Orphanage was well funded. Streaks of red going across the faces of some of the kids, probably hit with rulers, and some kids were even branded, just like him.

Devin: Peach, I'll be right back. I gotta use the bathroom.

After gaining a nod, Devin went on his search for Helga's room. He found it soon enough and tried to open it. It was locked unfortunately, but he took two pins out of his pocket and went to work on the lock. After moments of trial and error, he heard the click of the lock and opened the door.

Devin: There you are you sadistic abusive bitch.

He slowly and carefully walked over to the sleeping woman. When he reached her, he noticed how much time had really passed. She was old. As in, looking near ancient old. It was clear that the old age was getting to her, even resting and not moving she was struggling to breath. Any day now would be her last.

Devin: So why not today?

Devin pulled out his knife and held it high over his head. He tried to bring his hand down, but he kept hesitating. Calling forth every ounce of hatred and pain from the depths of his heart, he finally managed to force his hand down.

Just to have the blade embed into the pillow next to her head.

Devin: I...can't do it... Why? Why can I kill so many innocent people, but I can't kill the source of all my anger and hatred?

His consciousness gave him his answer. the faces of his new friends, his new family. His LOVE decreased, and instead he gained love.

Devin: Besides, she'll die due to natural causes any day now. And I'm sure Peach already has enough evidence to move these kids somewhere else and shut this shit show down. 

He exited the room and headed back to the front desk, where Peach was waiting.

Peach: Thank God you returned! If I have to spend another second in this God awful place, I would become abusive to the staff here. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

He nods and walks back to the car. Upon his return, everyone was getting ready for dinner. Upon seeing him back, Desti runs up and hugs him.

Desti: So, did you...?

Devin: No. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I tried, I won't lie. But I couldn't.

Desti: I'm glad.

Devin: You and the others helped me on this new path. I couldn't ruin it. Now I have friends, a family. And you. Thank you Desti, I love you.

Desti: I love you too!

Meanwhile, you and Meggy who were listening behind the corner smiled.

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