Chapter 25: Controlling the Hate

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You weakly walked to the main room, everyone else was sitting there, watching TV. Saiko notices you and gets concerned.

Saiko: Hey, Y/n you alright?

Y/n: We... need to... get to... the others.

You fall to your knees, the feeling in your chest getting worse.

Mario: Y/n, what's wrong?!

Y/n: Betty... she... she...

The doors slammed open, revealing a severely pissed off Devin and an unconscious Desti.

Devin: Betty is a monster that needs to be stopped.

He walked over and laid Desti on the couch. After, he walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

Y/n: Where's... Meggy?

Devin: I'm sorry Y/n... she sacrificed herself to save me. She's gone.

Y/n: No. You're lying. She... she can't...

You look up to look him in the eyes, and you can tell he isn't lying. Many emotions flood through, anger, pain, sadness. Tears poured down your face as you could only stare straight ahead. Mario came over and ut his hand on your other shoulder, knowing how hurt you are. As you calmed down, you asked Devin what happened exactly. He told you, and said that something had to be done.


As time passed, you and Devin trained together to make each other stronger. You were helping Devin to control his Hatred as well. Over time, your lone blue eye slowly turned red, your SOUL trait slowly changing from patience back to Determination. When asked by Boopkins, who was the second person who knows about SOUL traits, how this happened, you told him point blank.

Y/n: Because, Boopkins, I'm determined to avenge Meggy at all costs. That means that when the moment comes, when I see Betty and Akumu drop their guard... I'm going to kill them.

Boopkins: But Betty is a child!

Y/n: No. Betty is a manifestation of Fear. Akumu and the SOUL took that form so that they can tap into one of the worst fears people can have, a child getting hurt.

Boopkins: What?

Y/n: In simpler terms, "Betty" doesn't exist. She's merely a puppet.

You felt a the difference of power from your Patience and Determination. Now, you have nothing to hold you back, all that was on your mind, was avenging the girl you love. As you summoned another Gaster Blaster, the others took note how scarier it looked with the one red eye. The other, like yours, an empty black.

Devin: Can you guys just leave him alone about it? He's going through a lot right now.

Desti: Devin, calm down. You know how they are.

Devin: Calm down? How can I calm down when that little monster who killed Meggy is still out there?!

Desti saw the corruption in his eyes. She knew this wasn't him, but the fact he still yelled at her made her tear up. Devin quickly realized his mistake and tried to reach for her, but she shook her head and walked away.

Y/n: You're letting your hate corrupt you. Slowly turning you against us.

Devin: I know... I'm trying to control it, but...

Y/n: I know, but we just need to focus on the task at hand. Well, right now you need to go and let Desti know you're not mad.

Devin: I will, but I know she wants to be alone right now. One more training session then I'll go talk to her.

You nod then summon all seven of your hands. Each one had the colors of the different SOUL traits. Light blue was the strings, green was a shield, blue was the saws, orange was small bombs, purple could mirror any attack thrown at you, yellow shot bullets of energy, and lastly, your newest one, red, which fired a large beam of energy similar to your Gaster Blasters.

Devin pulled out his knife and rushed towards you, a black aura surrounding him as he tried to tap into the Hate. You try to catch him with the strings, but he cuts through them and slashes a wave of energy at you. Bringing up the shield, you block the attack, then use the orange hand to spawn multiple bombs around Devin.

He jumps up and avoids the explosions, then comes down. Before his blade could connect, you teleported out of the way and fired bullets from your yellow hand. When the smoke cleared, you saw he had created a barrier around himself. When he lowered it he sent a massive powerful slash towards you. Using the purple hand, you created the same attack and sent it at him, followed by a few saws.

Jumping through the smoke created by the impact of the two attacks and hit the saws away. Finally, you use your red hand and fire a beam of concentrated energy at him. Devin puts the blade of his knife between him and the beam, splitting it in two. You changed the rest of your hands red and added them to the original, snapping your fingers and creating two blasters to add in.

A large explosion was caused and when the smoke cleared again, you saw Devin with the black aura around him becoming more unstable.

Y/n: There Devin, control it! Remember what you are fighting for and use that as your source!

Seeing Devin trying his hardest to contain the Hatred, you give one last push.

Y/n: If you don't learn to control your energy, you might lose Desti, either to Betty or you if you lose it!

His eyes widen as those thoughts go through his mind. He struggles even more to control it, and after a shockwave, you look to see his SOUL. Not only was it the same red as before, but it also had a black aura around it.

Devin: How's this for control?

You smile as he smiles back. You fist bump each other and he goes to find Desti. You look out to the setting sun.

Y/n: Soon Meggy, we will avenge you.

Dark Darker, yet Random (Male Reader X Meggy)Where stories live. Discover now