Chapter 22: Attempted Assassination

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Swipe: So while I will admit, all of us but one has failed. And we have no allies.

Wario: Probably cause no one likes us?

Swipe: We have one last attack still! Bot, you have one last shot, kill them.

Bot: Of course, I'll tear them a new one!

Swipe: Good, now go.

Bot grabs his knife and heads out of the meeting room, getting on a boat and heading over to shore. Taking a look at a picture of his targets, he reads up their abilities.

Bot: Let's see, Y/n Gaster, Smart tactician who uses magic to his advantage. Can summon bones, shields, lines of energy to constrict foes, saws, and Blasters. This one could be a bit of a problem.

He looks at his next target.

Bot: Devin Gaster, A master with a knife. Fast and powerful, he can switch between hands without faltering, create beams of energy from his knife. Such a shame, they're pretty cute too. But, can't mix business with pleasure.

He folds up the paper and puts them in his pocket. With the shore coming into view, he gets ready to start his mission.


Y/n: Alright, now all I gotta do is pour a little bit of my magic into here and...

You put your hand up to the reactor and a wave of magical energy pours into the CORE. The energy spreads through the machine, the lines of light spreading through out it. You call Luigi on the walkie talkie and tell him to shut off the main generator. Turning to Peach and the other CEOs of the local power companies.

Y/n: If everything goes well, then even if the generator goes out, the CORE should activate as a back-up. A reliable, non-polluting source of magical energy and power.

The crowd ooo'd as you explained. Then you clapped twice as the power went off. A few moments later, the lights flickered and they soon came back on, the CORE humming even louder than before. They clapped as your demonstration was a success.

Y/n: Now, as I have said on our numerous phone calls, this will not take away from your companies. Mostly as I do not have that many materials to spread across the whole city, just here in the castle.

You speak with the CEOs some more then they finally say goodbye, wishing you luck on your future projects. As they left your friends took this opportunity to enter.

Meggy: How'd it go?

Y/n: They really enjoyed it!

Meggy: Yay! That's amazing!

She jumps over to you and gives you a big kiss. When she was done, Devin walked up to you and patted you on the back.

Devin: Good job brother. You did good.

You thank him, and as you all talk, exhaustion gets the better of you once again. Spending one more all nighter to make sure the project was a complete success.

Meggy: I know you're tired, and it is pretty late, c'mon let's get some rest.

Everyone goes back to their rooms and goes to sleep. However, Meggy gets a weird feeling in her stomach and gets back up. Walking down the hall, she looks outside to see someone sneaking around.

Meggy: Huh, who's that?

She sees the person go around the back of the castle, something shining in his hand.

Meggy: I gotta wake Y/n... no, let him rest, Devin should do.

She goes to Devin's room and opens the door, seeing him and Desti sleeping. As much as she hates it, she gently shakes him.

Devin: What...?

Meggy: Someone's sneaking into the castle.

His eyes snap open, remembering the night with the Hound.

Devin: Oh hell no, not this time.

He gets up and grabs his weapon. Meggy followed behind him as they looked around the castle. Heading back to the bedrooms, they saw someone walking down the hallways towards Y/n's room.

Devin: Hey pal, he's sleeping. What do you want?

?: Oh, well I'm sorry. There's a matter I just have to discuss with him.

Devin: (That voice sounds familiar) And what's that?

Suddenly, the figure lunges at Devin, pulling something out. Devin blocks with his knife. The moon comes out of the clouds and shines through one of the windows, revealing the face of Bot.

Bot: His death~

A few tentacles come shooting out of the walls and ceiling, almost piercing the intruder, but he quickly slashes them apart.

Meggy: He's good with that thing...

Devin: Yeah... but I'm better!

He runs towards Bot and begins to slash away, the ensuing fight waking a certain Octoling.

Desti: Okay, what is going on here?!

Meggy: Um... we just stopped someone from killing Y/n.

Desti: What?

She looked over to see Devin kick Bot away and through Y/n's door.

Y/n: What the hell?!

Meggy: And he's awake now... can't he get some rest for once?

In an aura of blue, Bot is thrown against the wall.

Y/n: Let's see... Wario and Waluigi failed. Eggman failed, Swipe failed, so why did you think you would succeed?

Devin: Yeah, not only are we badass, we are also insanely lucky.

Bot: So... what now?

You release him, he looks confused as you walk back to your room.

Bot: So you're just... letting me go?

Devin: We're too tired, and trust me guy if we wanted to kill you, we would have already done it.

Y/n: So just leave before I change my mind.

Bot: Oh no, I have a job to do! And I will kill-

He was cut off as a red beam of energy lands right between his legs.

Devin: Next time, I won't miss.

Bot: Well it's been fun boys, but would ya look at the time! I gotta get going. Later!

He walks off, a scared smile on his face.

Desti: You didn't have to go that far.

He shrugs and goes leads Desti back to their room. You and Meggy shake your heads and pray that now these attacks will end. Falling asleep and hoping for a better tomorrow.

Dark Darker, yet Random (Male Reader X Meggy)Where stories live. Discover now