Chapter 16: Return

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As the boat you were traveling in made its way to the docks, you see that some of the guards were patrolling the area. They looked on guard and were checking each others name tags and ID's.

Y/n: Looks like they found their sleeping friends.

Devin: Let's see how far we can get. If we can get to the gate, then we make a break for it.

Y/n: And if we get caught, try not to kill them.

Devin: Got it.

As you dock the boat and hop out, you try to discreetly make your way to the main gates. Some of the guards are to busy inspecting to notice you, so the both of you begin to believe that you just might get away.

Officer: You two, halt!

Devin: Fuck...

Y/n: Must an inspection be necessary for us sir? We just got back from our meeting with the Admiral.

Officer: Oh, you mean the meeting that Davis and Carter were supposed to be at? Who just so happened to be found knocked out in under the dock.

You and Devin look at each other, then to the Officer, then to your name tags and back to the Officer.

Officer: We found our intruders boys! On my mark!

All the soldiers grabbed their rifles and took aim at you.

Y/n: Devin, I'm going to try something that Meggy taught me. I'm not very good at it yet but it should work.

Officer: Aim!

The sound of the guns being loaded surrounded you.

Devin: As long as it gets us out of here, ill be fine!

Officer: Fire!

You placed a hand on Devin's shoulder and thought about the mall from the other day. You imagined you and Devin being there. For a split second, you felt weightless then suddenly you and Devin were standing at the entrance of the mall.

Devin: Did we just teleport?!

Y/n: Yeah. I'm glad it worked. Like I said, Meggy has been training me to use it, but I'm still not that good with it.

Devin: Well, at least you pulled it off. Speaking of pulling things off, we should get these disguises off.

Quickly going into an alley, you and Devin took off the armor and placed it all in a pile. You disintegrated the weapons and armor with a blaster to make sure no one else found them.

After that, you headed back to the castle, happy with the outcome of the mission. Even though you were caught, they didn't see your faces so everyone at the castle should be safe.

Devin: I think I came up with a good name for your blasters.

Y/n: What would that be?

Devin: Gaster Blaster.

Y/n: Hmm... that does sound pretty good. I like that.

Devin: Thank you.

Finally making it back to the castle, you open the doors and Devin spreads his arms out.

Devin: Your saviors have returned! AHH-

Desti tackled Devin into a hug, cutting his scream short. Meggy came up and hugged you as well, calmly unlike Desti.

Meggy: Anything happen?

Y/n: I'm going to tell you everything, but you have to promise me not to freak out when I get to the end, alright?

She nods and says she promises. You explain everything to them, where the cruiser is located, who was there, and that they are looking for more people.

Devin: I don't know why you guys see them as a threat. There's a sentient yellow heart, a guy named Eggman, who i can tell isn't very good at his job, Wario and Waluigi, who we already met, and a gay guy.

SMG4: They may not look like much, but they do have some nasty tricks up their sleeves.

Luigi: Yeah, and Bot used to be an assassin. He's pretty good with knives too.

Devin: That's the...

Luigi: The guy one, yes.

Devin: Bot, huh? This might be fun after all.

Desti: Umm...

Devin notices the concerned look on Desti's face.

Devin: No, I'm not going to kill him, I just want to see who has the quickest hand and sharpest blade.

Meggy: But what was so bad that you had me promise not to freak out?

Devin: We almost got shot.

Desti: You WHAT?!

Devin: I said almost. Y/n teleported us out at the last second.

Everyone looked shocked, even Meggy.

Meggy: Wait, you mastered it that fast?

Y/n: Well... not exactly. I just sorta... hoped, I guess?

You look at Meggy, but wasn't able to read her face. You hope you didn't upset her. You feel her hand lay on top of yours as she looked back up at you.

Meggy: I'm just glad you're safe.

She gave you a quick kiss and the day proceeded as normal. During one last training session, you were able to create a new attack. From one of the hands you summon, you created a blue saw like projectile. After training was done, SMG4 called you and Devin aside.

SMG4: So you said that they are going to try and recruit more people, correct?

Y/n: Yeah, but who else is there?

SMG4: A great number of people who hate us because of one reason or another. Some of them for legitimate reasons, others because they just don't like us.

Devin: That's pretty dumb. But don't worry, we won't let anything happen. Besides, I gotta start paying back this life debt I owe all of you.

SMG4: You don't owe us anything.

Devin started walking up the stairs. Before he turned the corner, he looked back with a serious look in his eyes.

Devin: Trust me man, I do.

He then continued walking back to his room. You walked over and sat with Meggy on the couch, watching TV as Desti went to check on Devin.

However, unbeknownst to the group, one individual followed them from the cruiser. From a top the hill over looking the castle stood a red teletubbie. It took a few pictures of the layout, making sure to get every square inch. Once it was done, it turned away and made its way back to the Admiral.

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