I Become a Walking Latte

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"Thank you," I smiled sweetly at the barista taking my cold brew from their warm hands.

"Excuse me," a voice muttered behind me gently placing a palm on my elbow.

I quickly turned around nearly spilling my cold brew all over me. When I looked up I noticed kind but nervous eyes staring at me. I traced his features from his long dark wavy hair to his hand still on my elbow. There was something about the small smirk that lingered on him. 

After realizing I was looking from my elbow to him he quickly retracted mumbling an apology. It was almost as if he wasn't here, or maybe it was me that had snapped back to reality. 

"Was this your order? I'm so sorry-" I began.

"No no your fine it's yours," he interrupted. "I know this sounds weird but can I ask you do to me a favor please," he begged me.

"Uh sure," it came out more as a question rather than the statement it was meant to be.

Nonetheless, I let him lead me to a small circular table near the window where he had me sit with my back to the door and he took the seat across from me. I wiggled my way into a comfortable sitting position but it's kind of hard with him watching me.

I was probably setting myself up to be murdered or sold into human trafficking by sitting with him. He seemed to be my age and he was cute. Not like the other guys me and my friends fawned over, but there was something about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Okay you can back out if you want to I'm warning you now. I just need you to pretend to be on a date with me or something. My ex is in the bathroom and I need to make her jealous," he said it all so quickly I almost couldn't keep up.

"Wait what," I whisper shrieked at him.

"I told you, you can back out. Although I would rather you not," he winced.

I let out a heavy sigh as I contemplated the options. What could go wrong really? I just had to sit here possibly laugh and flip my hair like all the girls did on dates. It couldn't be that hard could it?

I opened my eyes to see his green ones widen and give me the puppy dog look. I even saw him stick out his bottom lip.

"Okay fine I'll do it," I groaned taking a sip of my cold brew.

"Thank you thank you thank you," he smiled in relief taking my hands from across the table.

They were cold to touch, and I retracted instantly. This was pretend. It wasn't a real date with a real boy that I knew or had a crush on. He was a stranger. I didn't even know his name.

"Hey what's your n-"

He grabbed my coffee and takes a quick sip giving me a sly smirk.

"Yours always tastes so much better than mine," he sighed slowly sliding it back to me.

I gave him a playful shove which made him laugh. I knew it was a forced laugh but for some reason it made me smile. I couldn't help it. I had to admit he had a nice laugh.

"Well then maybe you should order something different next time instead of that sugary garbage you always order babe," I said a little loud rolling my eyes at him.

"Babe?" I shadow crept over us as his eyes linger away from mine.

I turned my head with the flick of my hair for added effect and see her. She was beautiful. Perfectly curled blonde hair without a single hair out of place. Her sapphire blue eyes were filled with rage and her glossed lips were placed in a sneer.

Gemma Waltz.

The queen bee of Westview high. I grew up with her stuck up ass. I never made my way into her clique nor did I want to. She could have her ways and her stuck up friends I never wanted part in it. We had our own groups and they never mixed. I was happy for that. I couldn't care less about her.

"This is the girl you dumped me for Drew?" She practically growled at him.

Drew. So that's what his name is. Nice. 

"Gem I'm on a date here," he rolled his eyes as if he was annoyed. I bat my eyelashes her giving her a fake smile before sipping my coffee some more.

"Her," Gemmas eyebrows raised. "You're dating the girl who's sister made a fool of herself on national television? It's a good thing you're not being recorded I don't think you can handle even more embarrassment hun," she snickered.

I think I manage to hear her mumble something under her breath. It sounded like you poor thing as she reached out to stroke my hair. I pull away with lightning speed. I wanted her nowhere near me.

"Gemma that's none of your concern," he fired back with the flick of his wrist. It was almost as a dismissal but I don't think she understood, or if she did she doesn't seem to care.

"It is when you know this isn't over between us Drew," she slammed her foot on the ground gripping her coffee tighter.

"Well then you should have thought about that before deciding you wanted to date two guys at once," he gave her a devilish glare.

Oh wow. 

She wanted to play games I could tell. Something told me that Drew seemed to play them better. It made me shift a little in my seat. I really shouldn't be here.

"Says the guy who only wanted to see where this went right?"

"I told you I wasn't seeing anybody else and you said the same thing."

"Then if you weren't seeing anyone how'd you move on so fast?"

"Well for starters have you seen her," he gestured to me causing me to blush. "I mean look at her Gem, she's beautiful and brilliant. She's smart and funny. Not to mention she puts up with my commentary when we watch movies together."

"Speaking of which I think we're going to be late to our movie if we don't hurry," I whispered between more sips of coffee.

I've never heard guys speak like that of me before. I knew he was making it all up just to see how head over heals he was for me and not Gemma but still. There was an effort there and it was sweet. Too bad it was all a lie. It didn't matter as long as Gemma didn't notice.

"I don't think there's much to see here," she spits at me.

Okay, that's it.

"And who do you think you are, being the grand judge and all that? Clearly he's no longer interested, Gemma. Stop wasting our time."

I glance out of the corner of my eye, and I couldn't help but smile at the impressed look on Drews's face. Not to mention how appalled Gemma looks gaping at me. I guess no one speaks to her that way much.

It all happened fast. Just as Drew scooted out his chair to help me out of mine I felt the ice-cold liquid splash all over me. I shut my eyes hoping not to get anything in there. All I could hear was the moan of his chair against the concrete floor.

"You bitch," I growled. I tasted hazelnut. Who even likes hazelnut coffee? It was like the worst flavor of coffee anyone could drink. I would question her taste, but Drew was good looking so there was something in that head of hers. 

I didn't bother staying there and playing pretend anymore. That was it. There was a line and I let it be crossed. I felt absolutely humiliated. I was just trying to do something nice for a stranger and it completely backfired. 

I rushed out of the coffee shop without looking back. I heard the bell of the door swinging open and I may have heard Drew call out for me. Except he doesn't know my name, I heard the hesitation in his voice. 

What in the actual fuck?

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