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I don't remember how long I sat in my car. I think I even kept the same song on repeat. Not that I was even hearing it over the sounds of my breathing. I rubbed my lips repeatedly as if that would remove the humiliation of kissing Drew. 


That wasn't even humiliating. I think if I had to admit it, I would kiss him again. Not that it would ever happen. I think what the most humiliating part of it all was how much I cared that he walked away. It was everything I always said I was afraid of and he let it happen. I was pathetic. 

Finally, I forced myself out of the car. I snuck my way up the stairs without anyone seeing me. Which was surprising with our full house. My eyes were so swollen I could barely see where I was going. Not that it mattered, I could navigate through this house in a power outage. 

It made sense why in all the movies the girls never wanted to leave their beds. It was solace. Their cocoon safety net that wouldn't let the boys in to break their hearts. Not that mine was broken. Just bruised at least.

"Desi can I come in?" Dylan lighted tapped at my door.

When I didn't answer I heard the door creak open slowly. I think she was afraid I'd yell or throw something at her. I didn't blame her I've done it before. We all have done it to each other once or twice. 

"What happened," I felt her cup my face followed by a few more footsteps.

I kept my eyes closed trying to blink back more tears. I just wanted them to stop. It was so embarrassing.

Crying over a boy who didn't like me. I'm not even sure I liked him. I did like kissing him that was for sure. I think it was worse knowing I ruined everything. It all started with bringing Nick. 

I felt someone sit near my toes. I knew it wasn't Dylan because she had to have been on her knees sitting next to my bed.

When I opened my eyes to wipe away some tears I caught sight of who else was there with us. I looked to my right to see it was Ash sitting there. It only made me cry more when I saw Tory and Quinn standing in the doorway. I waved them in to join us between sniffles. 

Not out of sadness or embarrassment. Out of love. The love I had for my sisters was endless. How I could have possibly ended up with four amazing (yet irritating) sisters in the world was beyond me. How they all stopped whatever it was that they were doing to be there for me.

"I kissed him," I whispered. I pulled my blanket up a little higher to where it touched my nose. I hoped it would cover the rising heat I felt in my cheeks. 

"Kissed who?" Dylan's voice was gentle. I couldn't tell if she was trying to be nice and let me tell the story or she really didn't know.

"Drew," I cried my voice was barely audible. There was a collective gasp between the four of them. So they really were clueless. 

"I thought this was about Nick," I heard one of them whisper. I couldn't tell who it was by how low their voice was. It didn't matter anyway now that the cat was out of the bag. 

I sat up straighter knowing where the conversation was going to go. I scooted towards the wall so Dylan could take a seat next to me. Tory and Quin crawled around Ash so we were all in a circle on my bed. A proper Drake Girls Meeting as we used to call them. 

"You kissed him?" Tory gasped again.

"I called it," Quinn mumbled hoping no one would hear.

 I bit my lip trying not to laugh but a giggle slipped. She gave me a sad wink in return. I knew she was only trying to make me feel better. It worked only a little bit. 

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