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"Thank you," he smiled at the barista. His dark waves had grown longer since the last time I had seen him. It looked like he was even more muscular too. I didn't need to see his face to know how devilishly handsome he was.

In the months I had spent on the west coast with Scarlett I had developed a golden tan and even some muscles of my own. It was compliments of the surfboarding class I forced myself to get into. I figured a hobby would be good to have, being away from my family.

I even worked at a movie theatre in town with Scarlett. We were both able to transfer to help pay for our apartment. No matter how busy I got, I was always missing him. No amount of FaceTime or texting, even emailing could change my mind.

"Excuse me," I lightly tapped his broad shoulder. "I believe that's my order."

"Oh I am so-" he paused and instantly grinned at me. "Actually I am sorry I have a girlfriend." He informed me with a wink.

He set the coffees back down to pick me up and hold me as tight as possible. I squealed wrapping my hands around his neck wishing to never let go.

"I thought you were getting here tomorrow?" He asked between kisses.

"I wanted to surprise you." I bit my lip and leaned in close. "Now I need to go find a table so the guy I am completely and utterly in love with can meet me for coffee," I winked.

"Oh right of course," he smirked.

I found a table near a window that looked out over the snowy street. I had to admit that I did miss the snow compared to the warm sunny California I had grown used to.

Drew came by with two drinks this time. I was surprised he still had my order memorized. But when it came to him, nothing should have been surprising.

"Oh hey, come here often." He sighed happily as he slid into his seat.

"Not so much anymore but I used to." I playfully shrugged. "Okay tell me all about New York. I want to know everything." I said taking a sip of my iced coffee. Even in winter, I took my coffee iced, and he continued to make fun of me for it.

After a bit of teasing, he went into the details about NYU. How he hated living in the dorms but found a couple of guys to live with the next year. He would be returning for summer to spend with his family, which I was extremely happy about. He even mentioned spending Spring Break in California.

"Well, I think that sounds like a great plan. I may have some extra room in my apartment if you needed a place to stay while you're there." I gave him a wicked grin.

"I just might take you up on that. But it may need some convincing," he smirked.

"I don't think that would be hard," I smirked back.

"You're turn, hows California?" He took a sip of his coffee carefully waiting for me to explain.

I told him how I changed my major to teaching and I was taking courses in sign language. I had decided over summer that I would like to work at a school for the deaf and blind. I noticed he had a glimmer in his eye that wasn't there before.

We sat in the coffee shop for hours talking about anything and everything. It felt like no time had passed between us. I was so giddy just to see his face again. I didn't understand why I was so against it in the first place.

"You ready to go?" He came back from throwing away our cups and was reaching out a hand.

I nodded taking his warm calloused hand in mine and let him lead us out. The frosted air nipped at my nose so I snuck closer to Drew. He wrapped an arm around me pulling me in close kissing the top of my head while doing so.

"Would you say this guy whom you are completely and utterly in love with, would you call it magical?" He grinned devilishly at me.

"Oh it's very magical," I playfully smirked at him.

He leaned down and our lips met. The familiar warmth spread from my head to my toes. Drew had only ever made me feel this way. It was a wonderful sort of magic that I had finally embraced. 

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