Second Chances

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Coming back to school after going to Tate's party was a joke. I was over it as soon as I walked into the doors. Gemma tried to stop me in the hallway but Scarlet went off on her. I couldn't stop my laughter no matter how hard I tried. 

It amazed me that Gemma still wouldn't give up. I didn't get how she didn't comprehend the fact that I did not care what she had to say to me. Maybe one day it would make sense to her.

A small part of me, an incredibly small part of me felt a little sorry for her. I mean, she was trying to get the guy she had feelings for. I had to give her brownie points for that, but it just wasn't the most morally correct way. 

Drew continued to act like everything was fine between us. Which it was, was it? I felt like something was off but maybe that was me. I guess I was just feeling a little overwhelmed by the party, so my emotions were a little funny. 

I tried not to think too much into Scarlett's comment about Drew. There was no way he could like me. I tried to pick my brain through all the times we spent together and it just seemed like he was being nice or polite. Yeah, it was a little odd to be treated that way by guys our age but I wasn't complaining. 

"You excited for your big fight this weekend?" Scar asked him at lunch. He paused between bites of his sandwich to answer.

He shrugged before taking another large bite. "Yeah, I guess." 

"It's a big one right?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that, kind of like a tournament. A bunch of clubs are going to be there all day Saturday and Sunday."

"How fun! Maybe We can all come once we get off work and support you," Scar looked at me for my response.

"Yeah, I think we could do that. What about you guys?" I looked at Sam, Madi, and now Thomas. Thomas had recently joined our lunch table. I blamed Drew trying to play matchmaker.

Drew shot panicked glances at all of us before interrupting. "No it's okay you guys don't have to." 

"Why not?" I pouted. 

Honestly, I had to say I was a little hurt. He didn't mind taking me to a few of his past matches. Why would this time be any different? Because of our friends? 

"It's like a tournament yes, but it's not a big deal. Don't worry about it." He gave us reassuring smiles. "Mads hows your film coming?"

"Good. I'm just ready for it to be over. I am so tired of looking at it," she groaned throwing her head in her hands.

"The finalists are getting picked soon for the Spring Film Fesitval right?" Sam asked.

Scarlett and I let out moans at the same time. We hated the Spring Film Festival. Mainly because we worked it every year. It made the theatre incredibly busy and everyone was rude. It was always such an exhausting weekend. It was worse than any Thursday night movie premiere. 

"Yeah, they're getting picked by the end of the month. That way whoever the finalists are can make finishing touches the first week of April, and then it can be played the following week." Drew explained.

"Why did you guys groan at the Spring Film Festival?" Thomas asked, which only caused us to groan louder and more dramatic this time around.

"The Spring Film Festival-"


The Spring Fil-"


"The Spring-"


"Can you let me speak?" Sam shouted at us in a higher-pitched voice.

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