Dudes Being Dudes

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"I'm so excited I get to come tonight," Scar was giddy next to me. 

We were getting ready for Drew's fight at my house. Ash didn't want to go with us, and mom wouldn't let us take Tori or Quinn. They were not happy with that answer but I couldn't argue with the boss. 

I somehow convinced Nick to go with us, even though he and Drew were weird around each other. Maybe this could be the chance for them to finally get along. He should be on his way to pick us up any minute now. 

When I was texting him earlier he seemed kind of grumpy about the whole group date thing. I had to convince him to even come. It was kind of annoying since it was technically supposed to be our third and final date tonight. He didn't know that though. 

Drew knew we had our date and had been bugging me all week about it. He wouldn't let it go. Anytime he asked me what the plan was I would just say it was a surprise. He didn't know all of our friends were going to surprise him and come to his meet. He didn't want us to, but we never listened.

"Me too honestly. I don't know if I wanted to go with just Nick. I still don't get what happened between them," I shrugged. I started to ruffle through my drawers to look for my lipgloss.

"I don't know Des guys are weird," she shrugged handing back the lip gloss I was looking for. I quickly thanked her and swiped it across my lips.

As I was giving myself a final once over I heard the doorbell ring. I knew it was Nick but didn't care to rush. I didn't want to seem too excited. Plus he knew my parents, they came to the movies enough. I wasn't really worried about what they would say.

I threw on my black bomber jacket and tossed Scar her phone. She barely caught it in her hands giggling as we walked out of my room.

"Hey Nick," Scar called you him from the stairs casually. He gave her a nod and winked at me. I felt my cheeks start to heat up.

I still couldn't believe that he actually agreed to go. Nonetheless, I was pretty excited about it all. I felt so stupid but I couldn't help myself.

We said our goodbyes to my family and bolted out of the door. The drive was filled with music that Scarlett and I danced to embarrassingly.

I didn't have to be worried about how I acted around Nick. He always saw how Scarlett and I were at work together. We were a hoot as everyone called us. If he could handle Scar and me, he could handle anything. 

Once we got into his car he cranked up the volume louder for Scarlett and I to dance and sing to. I began to think he was enjoying himself as he started to sing along. So he did have a fun bone in his muscular body. 

All too quickly we pulled into the crowded parking lot. Just like every time I saw this place I got the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I thought since Nick was here it wouldn't happen but it still did.

I tried to shake the feeling as we met up with Madi and Sam. They gave us both hugs and I introduced them to Nick. Madi gave him a weird look but I didn't feel like questioning it. Maybe she thought he looked familiar.

"Do you think he'll be surprised," Scar asked me. I looked at Nick to see if he was listening before I gave her my real thoughts.

"I don't know. I hope so," I shrugged.

I scanned the crowded arena for any signs of Drew but no luck. Since it was a tournament the stands were filled with people which made it hard to find seats but thankfully we found some towards the front for once.

"You okay?" Nick smiled at me softly. His eyes gestured to my bouncing leg and my fingers strumming together.

"Yeah just excited," I lied.

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