Purple Elephants

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"Thanks for meeting me here," Nick smiled at me.

It was our first official date tonight. I was kind of annoyed I had to meet him here and he couldn't have just picked me up but whatever I'd let it slide this one time. It's not like this was going to turn into anything more than what it was.

We decided on going bowling. On Fridays, our bowling alley had glow in the dark bowling. My sisters would always make our dad take us when we were younger. I hadn't been in such a long time.

"Wanna make another bet?" He challenged me. In the neon lights, his eyes sparkled and I felt butterflies.

"What kinda bet," I gave him a playful smirk while I laced up my shoes.

"Loser brings lunch to the winner when we work together next?"

"Deal," I told him.

I walked away to go pick out a ball and purposely swayed my hips in hopes of him watching me. It was such a lame move of mine, but guys couldn't seem to help it when girls did it.

I mean it wasn't a huge bet, but it was something. Plus if people saw us at work bringing each other food they would assume things. Which I didn't mind. They could think what they wanted.
Oh, Scarlett would love this. I couldn't wait to call her once I got home.

We started to bowl and early on I found out he was good. Like really fucking good. He either got a strike or a spare every turn. Meanwhile, I was over there bowling gutter balls as if my life depended on it. He was murdering me.

It was kind of cute how he laughed when I did so terrible. Normally, I would be insulted or upset but I didn't care with him. It was fun actually.

"I'm terrible," I cried turning away from yet another gutter ball. He chuckled as he walked up to meet me.

"Here let me show you how," he grabbed my fall and reached for my hand.

I let him stand behind me as he placed my fingers into their position. He guided my arm back while pressing his body against mine. I had to suck in a breath. I was not expecting that.

"Three two one," he drew my arm back further and guided me to let it go.

It was a slow roll, but we stood together and watched it roll down the middle of the lane. I winced hoping it wouldn't go into the gutter.

"Oh, I can't look," I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Look," he patted my hip causing me to open my eyes immediately.

There the ball was finally making its way towards the pins. After what felt like an eternity it collided with the pins.

I screamed and cheered jumping around like a lunatic. I even did a little shimmy. Nick stood there watching me he even laughed at my goofiness.

"This was the first time I knocked down more than three pins," I squealed. "That's a win in my book."

"You're a winner in my book," he gazed into my eyes.

Well, that was smooth. How do you even respond to something like that?

"Thanks," I pulled my bottom lip in with my teeth. Real fucking smooth Des.

We finished our game and of course, he won. Which meant I owed him lunch. Not that I was mad. He did help me score some more points. Whether it was guiding my arm or putting my hands on my hips. I liked it.

We decided to grab some food before we went to the arcade. I ordered mozzarella sticks and a Diet Coke which he made fun of me for. Not in a bad way, it was more like teasing and kind of flirty.

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