It's A...

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"Okay everybody places!" Tory bellowed shooing Quin and me out of the kitchen. She was relentless. 

"I still don understand how she isn't on the cheer team but somehow Ash and I are," Quinn muttered to me. I couldn't help but snort at the comment.

It was true. Tory was super dramatic, which was why she was part of the drama club. She didn't like the idea of running or exercise which is why she didn't do cheer. Plus I think Ash would have made her life a living hell as captain. It was Ash's favorite form of being the older sibling to her, pure embarrassment. 

We also tried to keep the cheer talk to a minimum around Ash. She made it through football season cheering, but she didn't want to be a flyer. She still wasn't sure if she wanted to join in for basketball season or not. She can't do competitions which is what she lived for. The coach offered her to help choreograph their routine which was great. She was still sensitive over the topic so I tried not to bring it up much.

"Tory? Dyl? Where do you want the cake?" I was walking outside towards one of the tables they set up. They looked incredible. I knew they spent all morning working on everything to the last detail. 

For only a family thing they sure went all out. There was a donut hole tower, fresh lemonade that was blue, and strawberry lemonade. I think Dylan also brought out mini waffles stacked high. Next to it was fried chicken. Ash had been craving chicken and waffles for weeks now. I was not mad about her cravings as long as we got to eat them too. 

Even the yard was decorated. There were pink and blue streamers everywhere. Matching balloons hung on either side of the table. It was all very grand and cute if I had to give my opinion. But I knew Ash didn't want anything big. 

I didn't want to stress too much about it. She would love it no matter what. She was always so appreciative of everything. Her heart was much too big at times. 

I had gotten the cake made and it was perfect. It was all white with blue and pink frosting on top. Not too much though. Ashton hated frosting. I, on the other hand, loved it. She would always share her frosting on cakes or cupcakes with me. 

"Just next to the donuts by the lemonade," Tory called back.

"So in the center of the table," I said to myself.

"Oh lord what is all of this," Ash whispered in awe from the back door. I turned to her to try to see how she was feeling, but for once I couldn't really tell.

"Do you hate it," I winced. I was a little afraid to hear her reaction for once. Normally I was prepared to argue, but not today. 

"Well," she paused. I could see the tears starting to well up in her eyes. "I didn't want anything big," she frowned.

"I know but Ash-"

"But it is the nicest thing ever," she started to cry.

Oh, my heart. I had mixed feelings seeing Ashton like that. She was happy but also a little sad. She was filled with all sorts of emotions lately.

I walked with her to the tables that were set up. I laughed as she squealed about her favorite foods being there and she even snuck a waffle piece early. I made sure to scan the yard first so that it was clear of Tory. 

Everyone met us outside where we all started to make plates of chicken and waffles. I made Ash's plate and took a seat next to her. We talked about her choosing work over cheer because she wanted to get more serious. We discussed how Drew's movie was going, which I hoped it was going well and how it was fun to be apart of it. 

"It's weird huh?" Ash nudged me after a bit of silence. 

"What is?" I peered at her. I wasn't sure what she meant. The fact that all of us were here getting along for more than five minutes or the fact that Dylan didn't fuck up the food.

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