Fight Club

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"Hey so I forgot to tell you but I owe you a milkshake," Nick smiled at me as Scarlett and I were clocking out. We were all making our way towards our cars to go home for the night, but I had other plans instead of going home to sleep.

"Oh, I won," I shrieked. Scarlett just looked at me with crazy eyes, while Nick started to blush. I gave her a quick look since I told her about Nick and I's bet.

"Yeah, so just let me know when a good time is for you," he smiled again. I could already feel the blood rush to my cheeks just by having his attention.

"I mean you know my work schedule, so" I trailed off biting my lip. I was trying to play it cool, but it was hard since it was Nick.

He chuckled and looked up towards the starry night. "If you're free next weekend sometime we can go grab a burger and a shake yeah?"

"Okay," I giggled. Scarlett and I made our way to our cars. We parked on the opposite end away from Nick so he couldn't hear our conversation.

"What in God's name? You just got asked out by Nick Delgato on a date!"

"It was just a bet we placed on the new movies like we usually do. Remember I told you about it that night," I shook my head. "Besides its only getting a burger and a shake it's not a huge deal," I tried to play it cool. It was a huge deal. He was a college guy, it was a whole new level.

"Yeah with Nick Delgato," Scarlett poked my side.

"Goodnight Scarlett," I sighed opening my car door.

"Goodnight future Mrs. Delgato," she joked.

"You're crazy, get home safe!" I called shutting my door. I heard her yell a muffled you too as I started my engine and take off into the night.

I started to drive throughout the town, the long way of course. I cracked my window a little bit to let the freezing air wake me up. Not that I needed it anyways I was always too awake after work. I parked right next to the black Audi in the parking lot of the boxing gym.

I quickly shut off my car and shuffled towards the entrance. As soon as I opened the door I was greeted with warmth and the familiar smell of sweat and lemon pledge. Funny how most gyms smelled like that. I kinda liked it in a weird way.

"Hey come here often?" I greeted Drew with a huge grin on my face. Maybe it was the high I got from talking to Nick or the excitement for the plans Drew and I had tonight.

He stopped mid-swing and turned to say hi to me. His smile grew as he met my eyes. I couldn't help but graze over his body that was glistening with sweat. His muscles were chiseled in every part of his body. I didn't know he looked like that under his clothes. It was quite the view, that I found myself not wanting to look away.

"Oh you know once or twice a week," he shrugged ushering me towards him.

I had changed at work before we left. I didn't want to show up in my uniform to learn how to punch someone. He guided me to the mats on the far side of the gym. He didn't bring me up to the ring that was in the middle and I was glad. That would be a little too intimidating.

"Okay punch me."

"What? I'm not going to punch you," I scoffed crossing my arms.

"Just punch me," he rolled his eyes playfully.

"No," I stammered.

"Desmond. Punch me." He smirked challenging me. He just loved to call me by my full name. It was so excruciatingly annoying.

I groaned and threw a half-hearted punch. I didn't really care how stupid I looked and I was pretty sure I looked extremely stupid. I rolled my eyes when he cracked up laughing.

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