Bachelorette Boy

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"Okay, now each of you describe yourself in three words," Drew instructed pointing the camera to Sam first.

Sam, Ash, Scarlett, Madi, Drew, and I were all gathered together in our school's film classroom. The final bell had rung about thirty minutes ago but Drew reserved the afternoon to work on his film.
We were also here to help Madi pick the background music to a few of the scenes she was shooting.

Drew thought it would be a good idea to interview all of us to get some more perspective than the couples he was interviewing. He wanted a lot of fresh perspectives, at least that was how he worded it. I just thought that the couples seemed boring.

"Mmmm charming, smart, and handsome," he smirked crossing his arms.

"You forgot egotistical," Scarlett added as the camera pointed to her. "Okay, let's see outgoing, optimistic, witty."

"Oooo good one scar," Ash muttered under her breath. "My turn? Uh hungry, sleepy, pregnant."

We all chuckled at the last one. Now that she had come to terms with having a baby we all felt better when she brought it up. I think finding out she was going to have a boy helped too. It made everything more real.

"Madi your turn," Drew turned towards her.

"Shy, Creative, empathetic," she smiled.

Oh god, it was my turn. My eyes widened at the camera when it met my gaze. I was totally blanking. I don't know how I would describe myself. How did they come up with answers so fast?

"Uhhh." Drew snickered but motioned for me to keep going. I saw Ash give me thumbs up from the teacher's desk she was sitting at.

"Calm," I winced. "Humorous, and uhh."

"C'mon Desmond don't sell yourself short," Drew scoffed.

"Hot," Sam hollered.

"Shut up Sam," I laughed. "Okay uh, curious?" I looked at him for confirmation.

"I wouldn't have chosen those words," he whispered.


"OKay Drew your turn." Madi said taking the camera from him.

"What no, I can't be in my own movie," he tried to grab his camera back.

"No, if we answer these questions so do you. That was the one condition," she insisted.

"Fine," he groaned. "Mmmm amusing, angry, curious." He said all of them quickly taking back the camera.

I wasn't sure if anyone heard but I could have sworn he said angry. I wondered what that one was about? Maybe I would have to find a chance to speak to him about it later.

"Okay back to the real questions. Do you believe in love?" He asked us collectively although I chose not to answer.

He had asked me the first time I was interviewed by him so I didn't think I needed to now. Scarlett and Ash had said maybe while Sam and Madi said yes. Drew looked at Ash and Scarlett the same way he looked at me the first time.

"I just don't know what it feels like so how am I supposed to know," Scarlett shrugged. She had never been in a relationship thanks to our rules so she was just as inexperienced at being a girlfriend as I was.

"I believe it could happen but it hasn't happened to me yet, ask me again in April and I'll let you know," Ash smiled putting a hand on her bump.

"Why didn't you answer," Madi asked me.

"Because I already told him no," I shrugged.

"Why?" Sam asked this time.

"Because boys are dumb."

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