Getting Baked

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Oh, fuck me.

I settled my head into my hands letting out a low sigh. Hopefully, nobody heard me, but oh well if they did.

I shouldn't have stopped for fries on the way home last night, because now I was exhausted. Thankfully I didn't work again until Thursday. I needed some more coffee though. I should have stopped for a second cup this morning before school, but Quinn and Tory were arguing on who stole whose shoes. It was very annoying to deal with that early.

When I raised my eyes again I winced at the screeching of the chair against the marble floor. Can anyone not pick up their chairs anymore? It really isn't that hard. You just pick it up and set it out further to sit down. Easy! 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Drew patiently staring at me with a playful look on his face. I really didn't need him to sit right next to me either.

So he's enjoying this?

I still don't really understand the guy. But really I only met him like two days ago so I can't know much about him. I just don't get why he kept showing up everywhere. I'm surprised he wasn't at the movies last night.

"Oh hey didn't see you there," he raised an eyebrow towards me.

"Oh hey. Come here often?" I asked sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Mmmm if I have to. Although I try not to make it a habit."

"Oh aren't you lucky," I sighed getting out my notebook.

I wrote the date at the top of the page. Right corner. Always.

"Yeah I guess I am," he muttered. I wasn't sure if I meant to catch his words, but I did. I also wasn't sure what they meant. He was weird. 

I tried to focus back on our teacher explaining how the semester is going to go. Next week we'll make our first piece. That was all I got. I couldn't focus on anything else except the constant clicking of Drew's pen. Ugh he's one of those people.

"Hey knock it off," I whispered to him. Maybe a little too harshly so I add in a, please.

"Why?" Click. "Does this-" click, "bug you?" Click click click.

He gave me a devilish grin and even winked. He continued to click the pen slowly. I swore he was even leaning closer towards me. 

Click. Click. Click.

"Yes!" I said a little too loud.

"Desmond Drake is there a problem?"

"Uh no, nope no problem," I turned in my chair to face Ms. Lee.

"Good now pay attention," she instructed.

"Yeah Desmond pay attention," he whispered next to me.

Click. Right in my ear.

Without a second thought I shoved him away and he toppled out of his chair with a loud oof. I pretended to be focusing on the whiteboard so I couldn't quite see his reaction, but I could tell he was mad.

The rest of the class he doesn't say a single word. His eyes never left his notebook, and he doesn't even click his pen. I started to feel a little bad about it. I didn't mean to shove him out of his chair, but it was a little funny. 


I took a piece of paper and wrote him a quick note throwing it onto his desk without another thought. 

I could feel him smirking at the page, before giving it back to me. 

Sorry for pushing you :( 

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